首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Social Psychology >Effects of facial features and styling elements on perceptions of competence, warmth, and hireability of male professionals

Effects of facial features and styling elements on perceptions of competence, warmth, and hireability of male professionals


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Few studies investigated the effects of facial characteristics on stereotyping in the business context. Using a 2 (beard/no beard) x 2 (acne/no acne) x 2 (tie/no tie) x 2 (eyeglasses/no eyeglasses) between subjects' design, two representative samples of 364 and 711 participants rated different stimuli of male subjects on dimensions of competence, warmth and hireability. Based on 4,215 observations, results show acne has a negative and eyeglasses a positive effect on both competence and warmth. Wearing a necktie has a positive effect on competence and a negative effect on warmth. Finally, beardedness has a negative effect on warmth. We also observe that competence has a greater effect on hireability than warmth. We discuss the findings in the context of theoretical and managerial implications for male job applicants as well as HR practices.
机译:很少有研究调查了面部特征对商业环境陈规定型观念的影响。 使用2(胡须/没有胡须)x 2(痤疮/无痤疮)x 2(系/无领带)x 2(镜片/无眼镜)科目的设计,两个代表样本为364和711名参与者的评估不同的刺激 男性主题能力,温暖和呼吸能力的维度。 基于4,215个观察结果,结果显示痤疮对竞争力和温暖的积极影响有负面和眼镜。 穿着领带对竞争力和对温暖的负面影响有积极影响。 最后,有胡子对温暖具有负面影响。 我们还观察到竞争力对普及率的影响比温暖更大。 我们讨论了对男性求职者以及人力资源实践的理论和管理影响的研究结果。



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