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Why a criminal ban? Analyzing the arguments against somatic cell nuclear transfer in the Canadian parliamentary debate


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Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) remains a controversial technique, one that has elicited a variety of regulatory responses throughout the world. On March 29, 2005, Canada's Assisted Human Reproduction Act came into force. This law prohibits a number of research activities, including SCNT. Given the pluralistic nature of Canadian society, the creation of this law stands as an interesting case study of the policy-making process and how and why a liberal democracy ends up making the relatively rare decision to use a statutory prohibition, backed by severe penalties, to stop a particular scientific activity. In this article, we provide a comprehensive and systematic legal analysis of the legislative process and parliamentary debates associated with the passage of this law.
机译:体细胞核移植(SCNT)仍然是一项有争议的技术,已在全世界引发了各种各样的调节反应。 2005年3月29日,加拿大的《辅助人类生殖法》生效。该法律禁止包括SCNT在内的许多研究活动。鉴于加拿大社会的多元化性质,该法律的制定是对决策过程以及自由民主制最终如何以及为何最终做出相对罕见的使用法定禁令并受到严厉刑罚支持的决定的有趣案例研究,停止特定的科学活动。在本文中,我们对与该法律通过相关的立法程序和议会辩论进行了全面而系统的法律分析。



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