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Closing the gaps in child health in the Pacific: An achievable goal in the next 20 years


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It is not inconceivable that by 2035 the substantial gaps in child health across the Pacific can close significantly. Currently, Australia and New Zealand have child mortality rates of 5 and 6 per 1000 live births, respectively, while Pacific island developing nations have under 5 mortality rates ranging from 13 to 16 (Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga) to 47 and 58 per 1000 live births (Kiribati and Papua New Guinea, respectively). However, these Pacific child mortality rates are falling, by an average of 1.4% per year since 1990, and more rapidly (1.9% per year) since 2000. Based on progress elsewhere, there is a need to (i) define the specific things needed to close the gaps in child health; (ii) be far more ambitious and hopeful than ever before; and (iii) form a new regional compact based on solidarity and interdependence.
机译:在2035年,太平洋对儿童健康的大幅差距显着难以显着。 目前,澳大利亚和新西兰分别具有每1000个活产的儿童死亡率为5和6个,而太平洋岛屿发展中国家的50名死亡率为每1000人的13至16(瓦努阿图,斐济和汤加),每1000人 出生(Kiribati和巴布亚新几内亚)。 然而,这些太平洋儿童死亡率下降,自1990年以来平均每年1.4%,自2000年以来更快地(每年1.9%)。根据其他地方的进展,需要(i)定义具体事物 需要关闭儿童健康的差距; (ii)比以往任何时候都更雄心勃勃,有希望; (iii)根据团结和相互依存,形成新的区域契约。



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