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Fate of the Landau-Yang theorem for twisted photons


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The Landau-Yang theorem is sometimes formulated as a selection rule forbidding two real (that is, non-virtual) photons with zero total momentum to be in the state of the total angular momentum J=1. In this paper, we discuss whether the theorem itself and this particular formulation can be extended to a pair of two twisted photons, which carry orbital angular momentum with respect to their propagation direction. We point out possible sources of confusion, which may arise both from the unusual features of twisted photons and from the fact that usual proofs of the Landau-Yang theorem operate in the center of motion reference frame, which, strictly speaking, exists only for plane waves. We show with an explicit calculation that a pair of twisted photons does have a non-zero overlap with the J=1 state. What is actually forbidden is production of a spin-1 particle by such a photon pair, and in this formulation the Landau-Yang theorem is rock-solid. Although both the twisted photon pair and the spin-1 particle can exist in the J=1 state, these two systems just cannot be coupled in a gauge-invariant and Lorentz invariant manner respecting Bose symmetry.
机译:Landau-yang定理有时被制定为选择规则,禁止两个真实(即非虚拟)光子,零总量是在总角度j = 1的状态下。在本文中,我们讨论定理本身和该特定配方是否可以延伸到一对两根扭曲的光子,其相对于其传播方向携带轨道角动量。我们指出可能的混乱来源,这可能来自扭曲光子的不寻常特征,并且从陆地阳定理的通常证明在运动参考框架中心运行,这严格地说,只存在平面波浪。我们以明确的计算显示,一对扭曲的光子具有与J = 1状态的非零重叠。实际禁止的是通过这种光子对制造自旋1粒子,并且在这种制剂中,Landau-yang定理是岩石固体。虽然J = 1状态可以存在扭曲的光子对和旋转-1颗粒,但是这两个系统不能以仪表 - 不变和洛伦兹不变的方式耦合到均对称性。



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