首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neuroscience Methods >An RFID-based activity tracking system to monitor individual rodent behavior in environmental enrichment: Implications for post-stroke cognitive recovery

An RFID-based activity tracking system to monitor individual rodent behavior in environmental enrichment: Implications for post-stroke cognitive recovery


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Background: Diminished cognitive flexibility is a common form of executive dysfunction that results from stroke in the prefrontal cortex. Potential therapies targeting this type of cognitive deficit following stroke are lacking. New method: Here, we used environmental enrichment (EE) as a rehabilitation approach, integrated with a radio frequency identification (RFID)-based activity tracking system to evaluate the contribution of individual EE elements to promote cognitive recovery. Male and female Sprague-Dawley rats received either sham surgery or endothelin-1 (ET-1) induced focal ischemia targeting the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Cognitive flexibility was assessed through an egocentric-spatial version of the Morris Water Maze (MWM) task. Results: Prefrontal cortex damage resulted in impaired reversal learning using the egocentric MWM and reduced physical activity in the running wheel, while social interaction was not affected. EE exposure (2 h/day, 5 days/ week, for 5 weeks) improved cognitive flexibility in reversal learning of egocentric MWM for both stroke and sham rats. Comparison with existing method: As changes in cognition post-stroke can be subtle and difficult to detect using conventional behavioural assessment, we suggest that the implementation of individualized automated animal tracking as used herein will ultimately help decipher whether individual components of EE are important for promoting cognitive recovery post-stroke. Conclusion: This study represents an attempt to better align preclinical and clinical implementations of EE and facilitate the uptake of this intervention in the clinical setting.
机译:背景技术:认知灵活性减少是行政功能障碍的一种常见形式,其来自前额叶皮质中的中风。缺乏靶向这种类型的认知缺陷的潜在疗法。新方法:这里,我们使用环境浓缩(EE)作为康复方法,与射频识别(RFID)的活动跟踪系统集成,以评估各个EE元素促进认知恢复的贡献。男性和女性Sprague-Dawley大鼠接受了假手术或内皮素-1(ET-1)诱导的局灶性缺血,靶向内侧前额叶皮质(MPFC)。通过莫里斯水迷宫(MWM)任务的Egocentric-Spatial版本评估认知灵活性。结果:前额叶皮质损坏导致反转学习损害使用EgoCentric MWM,并在运行轮中减少身体活动,而社会互动不受影响。 EE暴露(2小时/天,5天/周,5周)改善了卒中和假大鼠Egocentric MWM反转学习的认知灵活性。与现有方法的比较:随着认知后行程的变化可以微妙且难以使用常规行为评估检测,如本文所用的个性化自动化动物跟踪的实施最终有助于破译EE的个体组分对于促进来说是重要的认知恢复后卒中后。结论:本研究代表了更好地对准EE的临床前和临床实现,并促进临床环境中这种干预的吸收。



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