首页> 外文期刊>Journal of medical biography >The life, times, and health care of Harry L Hopkins: Presidential advisor and perpetual patient

The life, times, and health care of Harry L Hopkins: Presidential advisor and perpetual patient

机译:Harry L Hopkins的生活,时代和医疗保健:总统顾问和永久患者

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Harry Hopkins was the most important nontitled allied leader in World War II. He was the advisor to President Roosevelt who managed the diplomacy between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin from 1941 to 1946. Throughout these times, Hopkins was ill and required transfusions, admissions to the hospital, and nutritional supplementation to keep him well enough to travel the world and manage the allied war diplomacy. There has been no unifying theory to account for all his symptoms and his reported pathologic and autopsy findings. In this paper, we will review his political and medical history and a differential diagnosis of his illness.
机译:Harry Hopkins是第二次世界大战中最重要的盟军领袖。 他是罗斯福总统的顾问在1941年至1946年到1946年的罗斯福和斯大林之间管理了外交。在这些时代,霍普金斯患病了,所需的输血,向医院招生,以及营养补充,让他足够好地旅行 世界并管理联盟的战争外交。 对于所有症状和他报告的病理和尸检调查结果,没有统一理论。 在本文中,我们将审查他的政治和病史和他疾病的鉴别诊断。



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