首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Insect Behavior >Centipede, Scolopendra dawydoffi (Chilopoda: Scolopendridae), predation on an egg-laying snake, Sibynophis triangularis (Squamata: Colubridae), in Thailand

Centipede, Scolopendra dawydoffi (Chilopoda: Scolopendridae), predation on an egg-laying snake, Sibynophis triangularis (Squamata: Colubridae), in Thailand

机译:Centipede,Scolopendra Dawydoffi(Chilopoda:Scolopendridae),在泰国的鸡蛋蛇蛇蛇蛇蛇蛇(Squamata:Colubridae)掠夺

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While typically insectivorous, large centipedes are known to attack and eat vertebrates. Though opportunistic, this behavior might be relatively frequent. Predation of centipedes on snakes is rarely observed. We report an incident, witnessed at the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve, Thailand, involving the predation of a scolopendrid centipede, Scolopendra dawydoffi, on a female colubrid snake, Sibynophis triangularis. This is the first known case of a centipede predating on a vertebrate that that was laying eggs.
机译:虽然通常是食虫的,但已知攻击和吃脊椎动物的大型蜈蚣。 虽然机会主义,这种行为可能相对频繁。 很少观察到蛇上蜈蚣的捕食。 我们报告了在泰国的萨卡特拉生物圈储备的事件,涉及捕获一个Scolopendrid Centipede,Scolopendra Dawydoffi,患有一只雌性玉米菌蛇,Sibnyophis Triangularis。 这是第一种已知的蜈蚣案例,其捕获脊椎动物的脊椎动物。



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