首页> 外文期刊>American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias >Clinical picture of a patient with a novel PSEN1 mutation (L424V).

Clinical picture of a patient with a novel PSEN1 mutation (L424V).


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Young onset dementia raises concern about familial and non degenerative dementias. We describe a patient with early dementia. At the age of 26, a woman developed symptoms of anorexia nervosa, at 30 a memory and attention deficit, and at 34 abnormal behavior with impulsivity, aggression, and dysexecutive disorder. At 36 she showed aphasia, stereotyped behavior, hyperreflexia, grasping reflex, urinary incontinence, myoclonus, and seizures. Blood and cerebrospinal fluid were normal. Brain computed tomography and single photon emission computed tomography showed diffuse cortico-subcortical atrophy and frontotemporoparietal hypoperfusion. A Leu424Val mutation was present in PSEN1 gene. PSEN1 mutations can produce Alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal dementia, and dementia with Lewy bodies phenotypes, or a combination of them. It has been proposed that the mutation type and location may influence the molecular pathogenesis and thus PSEN1 would represent a molecular connexion between these entities. This case shows a novel PSEN1 mutation with outstanding amnesic and frontal symptoms.
机译:年轻发作性痴呆引起对家族性和非变性性痴呆的关注。我们描述了一名患有早期痴呆症的患者。在26岁时,一名妇女出现神经性厌食症的症状,在30岁时出现记忆力和注意力缺陷,在34处表现为冲动,攻击性和执行力障碍的异常行为。她在36岁时表现出失语症,刻板的行为,反射亢进,抓地力反射,尿失禁,肌阵挛和癫痫发作。血液和脑脊液正常。脑计算机断层扫描和单光子发射计算机断层扫描显示弥漫性皮质下皮质萎缩和额颞叶顶灌注不足。 PSEN1基因中存在Leu424Val突变。 PSEN1突变可产生阿尔茨海默氏病,额颞叶痴呆和路易体表型痴呆或它们的组合。已经提出,突变类型和位置可能影响分子发病机理,因此PSEN1将代表这些实体之间的分子连接。该病例显示了一种新的PSEN1突变,具有明显的健忘和额叶症状。



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