首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research, A. Space Physics: JGR >On the formation and origin of substorm growth phase/onset auroral arcs inferred from conjugate space-ground observations

On the formation and origin of substorm growth phase/onset auroral arcs inferred from conjugate space-ground observations


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Magnetotail processes and structures related to substormgrowth phase/onset auroral arcs remain poorly understood mostly due to the lack of adequate observations. In this study we make a comparison between ground-based optical measurements of the premidnight growth phase/onset arcs at subauroral latitudes and magnetically conjugate measurements made by the Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE) at ~780 km in altitude and by the Van Allen Probe B (RBSP-B) spacecraft crossing L values of ~5.0–5.6 in the premidnight inner tail region. The conjugate observations offer a unique opportunity to examine the detailed features of the arc location relative to large-scale Birkeland currents and of themagnetospheric counterpart. Our main findings include (1) at the early stage of the growth phase the quiet auroral arc emerged ~4.3° equatorward of the boundary between the downward Region 2 (R2) and upward Region 1 (R1) currents; (2) shortly before the auroral breakup (poleward auroral expansion) the latitudinal separation between the arc and the R1/R2 demarcation narrowed to ~1.0°; (3) RBSP-B observed a magnetic field signature of a local upward field-aligned current (FAC) connecting the arc with the near-Earth tail when the spacecraft footprint was very close to the arc; and (4) the upward FAC signature was located on the tailward side of a local plasma pressure increase confined near L ~5.2–5.4. These findings strongly suggest that the premidnight arc is connected to highly localized pressure gradients embedded in the near-tail R2 source region via the local upward FAC.
机译:磁铁工艺和与成分级别/起始极光弧相关的结构仍然是由于缺乏足够的观察而难以理解。在这项研究中,我们在亚葵潜水层的主要夜间生长阶段/发作弧的基于地基光学测量和由活性磁层和行星电动反应实验(Ampere)的磁性缀合物测量在高度和780公里处进行的磁性共轭测量范艾伦探针B(RBSP-B)航天器交叉L值〜5.0-5.6在大约尾部区域。共轭观察提供了一个独特的机会,用于检查电弧位置相对于大型Birkeland电流和题目性对应物的详细功能。我们的主要发现包括(1)在生长阶段的早期阶段,静音极光弧出现〜4.3°逆在向下区域2(R2)和向上区域1(R1)电流之间的边界; (2)在极光分裂(极向极光膨胀)前不久(极向极光膨胀)电弧与R1 / R2分界之间的纬度分离缩小至〜1.0°; (3)RBSP-B观察局部向上场对准电流(FAC)的磁场标记,当航天器占地面积非常靠近弧形时,将电弧与近地尾连接连接电弧; (4)向上的FAC签名位于局部等离子体压力增加的局部侧,限制在L〜5.2-5.4附近。这些调查结果强烈建议,Premidnidnight Arc通过本地向上的FAC连接到嵌入近尾R2源区的高度局部压力梯度。



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