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Genetic counselor workflow study: The times are they a-changin'?

机译:遗传辅导员工作流程研究:时代是他们的一个 - changin'?

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Genetic services have historically been time and labor intensive. Little information is known about the proportion of time genetic counselors (GCs) spend face-to-face with patients in comparison to the time spent on patient-related activities (PRA). We aimed to perform a real-time workflow study of GCs representing multiple clinics and specialties. We developed an electronic collection tool formatted in 15-min increments for real-time documentation of how the GC spent his/her time throughout the workday for one full week, based on a defined task list. Participants were Michigan GCs recruited via email solicitation. Sixteen of an estimated 70 patient-facing GCs (23%) representing prenatal, cancer, adult, and pediatric genetics took part by completing a demographic survey and the workflow study. The GCs reported spending approximately 20% of their time face-to-face with patients, 64% on PRA including case preparation, follow-up, and administrative tasks, and 16% on tasks unrelated to direct patient care. They saw a mean of 10 patients/week with a mean session length of 47 min. Approximately 3 hr of PRA were performed for the 0.78 hr (47 min) of face-to-face time with a patient. The most time-consuming task in the PRA category was letter writing. Identifying strategies to reduce the amount of time spent on PRA could increase the amount of available time GCs have to spend on providing face-toface services and subsequently, the number of patients seen. Such efforts are critical to help meet the growing demand for genetic counseling services.
机译:遗传服务历史上一直是时间和劳动密集型。与患者相关活动(PRA)的时间相比,少数信息是关于与患者面对面的时间遗传辅导员(GCS)的比例。我们旨在执行代表多个诊所和专业的GCS的实时工作流程研究。我们开发了一种以15分钟为增量格式化的电子收集工具,用于实时文档,了解GC如何在整个工作日在整个工作日中花费一个完整的一周,这是一个完整的任务列表。参与者是通过电子邮件招揽招聘的密歇根州GCS。估计的70名患者面向患者的GCS(23%)代表产前,癌症,成人和儿科遗传学通过完成人口调查和工作流程研究。 GCS报告,与患者面对面的约20%的时间,64%关于PRA,包括案例准备,后续行动和行政任务,与直接患者护理无关的任务16%。他们看到了10名患者/周的平均值,平均会话长度为47分钟。用患者对0.78小时(47分钟)进行0.78小时(47分钟)进行约3小时的PRA。 PRA类别中最耗时的任务是写作。确定减少对PRA所花费的时间的策略可能会增加GCS在提供面部培养服务以及随后的患者的数量,所以患者的数量增加。这种努力对于帮助迎接对遗传咨询服务不断增长的需求至关重要。



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