首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences >Network Communities in the Institutional System of the Russian Society: Theoretical and Methodological Aspect

Network Communities in the Institutional System of the Russian Society: Theoretical and Methodological Aspect


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In the presented study, theoretical and methodological aspects of network communities positioning in the institutional system of the Russian society are considered. Based on the analysis of concepts ?information-oriented society?, ?network communications?, ?web communities?, ?network communication?, introduced in the sociological discourse, authors substantiate the conclusion that it is necessary to study the network community within the framework of the neoinstitutional approach, the interpretation of the network community as an institution, directed on the reproduction of ?freedom of communication?, mutual understanding, frame discussion on the basis of non-formal regulators, initiated by the network community core. Network communities included in the institutional system of the society can represent an alternative to formal institutions have a positive impact if they coincide with interests of a real social or professional community and negative in a situation of the virtual space referentiality in relation to a social reality.



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