首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences >The Impact of Organizational Structure and System Settings on the Healthcare Individual?s Perception to Utilize Cloud Services: A Theoretical Literature Survey

The Impact of Organizational Structure and System Settings on the Healthcare Individual?s Perception to Utilize Cloud Services: A Theoretical Literature Survey


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Nowadays, the technology utilization and adoption considered as one of the trend researches in different contexts. In order to achieve successful utilization, a number of factors may be taken into consideration from different perspectives depending on the real needs in the context of usage. Healthcare context still needing the utilization of new trend technologies such as utilizing cloud computing services to handle different tasks in this domain. The cloud services can offer a reliable solution to manage, maintain and retrieve health records within hospitals as well as to share the activities among hospitals and healthcare specialists. This allows the healthcare professionals to access, manage and monitor patient?s health status anywhere at anytime. In order to make sure to get the full benefits of the new services, a prior examination in the context of usage must be applied to examine the current needs and the suitability of the technology. Therefore, the researchers in the present study trying to provide the suitable factors/domains used in the context of technology utilization in healthcare sector. A literature survey has carried out to check the suitability of the organizational structure and system settings and their impact on the healthcare member?s perception to utilize cloud health information systems. A total of 75 previous studies that used the proposed domains in different contexts has been included. Along with that, the researchers found that the studies in the context of technology utilization usually used three theories to combine the relationship between the above-mentioned domains. These theories are the organization theory, diffusion of innovation theory and the theory of reasoned action. Finally, the association between domains and the theories have been established.



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