首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Enzyme-assisted extraction of Nizamuddinia zanardinii for the recovery of sulfated polysaccharides with anticancer and immune-enhancing activities

Enzyme-assisted extraction of Nizamuddinia zanardinii for the recovery of sulfated polysaccharides with anticancer and immune-enhancing activities


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Sulfated polysaccharides (fucoidan) of the sargassacean brown seaweed Nizamuddinia zanardinii were isolated using different methods to evaluate the effects of extraction techniques on their chemical compositions, molecular characteristics, anticancer, and immunomodulatory activities. The polysaccharide extractions were carried out using hot water, carbohydrase, and protease enzymes including Alcalase, Flavourzyme, Celluclast, and Viscozyme. Results showed that the yield of fucoidan varied from 4.28 to 5.58% in different extraction methods. Alcalase exhibited the highest extraction efficiency of fucoidan compared to the other extraction methods. Fucoidans were composed of different levels of carbohydrates (30.83-40.27%), proteins (18.72-23.75%), sulfates (12.92-20.05%), and uronic acids (5.73-22.08%). All extracted fucoidans were composed of fucose, galactose, glucose, mannose, and xylose with different molar percentages depending on the extraction methods. The weight average molecular weight of fucoidans varied between 107.9 and 181.1x10(3)gmol(-1). The FTIR spectroscopy confirmed the presence of sulfate esters by bending vibration of C-O-S and stretching vibration of S=O peaks at 818 and 1250 cm(-1), respectively. Fucoidans showed the anticancer activity ranging from 26.77 to 67.46% for HeLa cells and 21.31 to 55.94% for Hep-G(2) cells. All polysaccharides significantly stimulated RAW264.7 macrophage cells to release nitric oxide among which polysaccharides extracted with the assistance of Alcalase exerted higher immunostimulatory activity. These results indicated that the employment of Alcalase in the extraction of fucoidan produced polysaccharide with higher sulfate content and molecular weight resulting greater biological activities.
机译:使用不同的方法分离含Sargassacean Browneed Nizamuddinia Zanardinii的硫酸化多糖(Fucoidan),以评估提取技术对其化学组成,分子特征,抗癌和免疫调节活动的影响。使用热水,碳水化合物和蛋白酶酶,包括脱盐酶,氟脲,细胞素和viscoozyme进行多糖提取。结果表明,不同提取方法的岩环糖产量从4.28变化至5.58%。与其他提取方法相比,Alcalase表现出岩藻糖的最高提取效率。岩环素由不同水平的碳水化合物(30.83-40.27%),蛋白质(18.72-23.75%),硫酸盐(12.92-20.05%)和糖酸(5.73-22.08%)。根据提取方法,所有提取的骨藻包括由岩藻糖,半乳糖,葡萄糖,甘露糖和具有不同摩尔百分比的木糖组成。岩环体的重均分子量在107.9和181.1x10(3)GMOL(-1)之间变化。 FTIR光谱通过分别通过弯曲C-O-S的振动并分别在818和1250cm(-1)下施加S = O峰的振动并拉伸振动来证实硫酸酯。岩环骨牌患者患有HeLa细胞的26.77%至67.46%的抗癌活性,Hep-g(2)细胞的21.31-55.94%。所有多糖均显着刺激Raw264.7巨噬细胞,以释放一氧化氮,其中通过alcalase的辅助提取多糖施加较高的免疫刺激活性。这些结果表明,具有较高硫酸盐含量和分子量的多糖的萃取中的阿甲酸酯在抗藻糖酶中的采用,导致更大的生物活性。



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