首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crop Improvement >Analysis of Yam Minisett technique adoption in Nigeria

Analysis of Yam Minisett technique adoption in Nigeria


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White yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) is an important tuber crop grown throughout West Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Propagation of the crop is primarily vegetative, through the use of small whole tubers (seed yams) and cut pieces of tuber(setts) planted to produce the larger tubers (ware yams) that households consume and sell. The Yam Minisett Technique (YMT) was introduced in Nigeria in the late 1970s as a means of increasing the production of seed yams. The YMT is different from manyother agricultural technologies in that it requires farmers to do something - cut their tubers into small pieces - which they feel based on experience is potentially damaging as it causes rot. Indeed, the existing literature suggests that adoption of theYMT tends to be low and variable. However, to date there has been no systematic analysis of the existing literature on YMT adoption designed to explore which factors are reported to be the most important and why. Hence, the objective of this paper is toanalyze the YMT adoption studies published to date to explore which factors are particularly important, and how this may help guide future research in YMT adoption. The results suggest that uncertainty - risk and ambiguity aversion - as perceived by farmers is a key consideration in YMT adoption and needs to be considered in future work.
机译:白山药(Dioscorea rotundata poir。)是在西非,加勒比海和拉丁美洲种植的重要块茎作物。作物的繁殖主要是植物,通过使用小型整块块茎(种子山药)和切割块茎(Setts)的块茎(SELETS),以生产家庭消费和销售的较大的块茎(洁具纱线)。在20世纪70年代后期,尼日利亚推出了亚马迷你技术(YMT)作为增加种子山药生产的手段。 YMT不同于多其他农业技术,因为它需要农民做一些事情 - 将块茎切成小块 - 他们认为基于经验的感觉可能会造成损坏,因为它导致腐烂。实际上,现有文献表明,采用它们往往是低的和可变的。然而,迄今为止,对YMT采用的现有文献没有系统分析,旨在探索据报道哪些因素是最重要的,为什么。因此,本文的目的是出于迄今为止发布的YMT采用研究,以探索哪些因素尤为重要,以及如何帮助指导YMT采用的未来研究。结果表明,不确定性 - 风险和歧义厌恶 - 由于农民所察觉是YMT采用的关键考虑,需要在将来的工作中考虑。



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