首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crop Improvement >Acceptance and competitiveness of new improved wheat varieties by smallholder farmers

Acceptance and competitiveness of new improved wheat varieties by smallholder farmers


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We conducted this research because earlier research revealed that Pakistani farmers were growing 8-10-year-old wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties and hence not benefitting from the recent advances in wheat breeding. Participatory varietal selection (PVS) trials were conducted to have farmers validate and include newly released wheat varieties into seed-production stream to speed up replacement of old and obsolete wheat varieties by farmer-preferred new high-yielding varieties. Fourteen new varieties recommended for irrigated and eight for rainfed environments were evaluated in this research involving smallholder farmers in food-deficit districts of Pakistan. Collaborating farmers preferred 10 varieties from the PVS trials, eight of which were germplasm from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) that yielded on average 5-17% more grain than local checks. Local checks used in the PVS trials in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were old improved varieties. Greater yield advantage from new varieties over local checks was reported from rainfed environments and areas where old local checks were used. The PVS research showed the possibility of ensuring food security of smallholder farmers as new high-yielding varieties gave an additional 0.3 -0.5 tons of grain per ha, sufficient to feed two to three persons per year. Research also revealed that innovative farmers in rainfed regions grew wheat varieties recommended for irrigated regions to identify high-yielding wheat varieties with stable performance. Feedback by farmers to wheat breeding research system was to develop even higher yielding new wheat varieties with diseases resistance to replace old and obsolete varieties to boost food security.
机译:我们进行了这项研究,因为早期的研究表明,巴基斯坦农民正在增长8-10岁的小麦(Triticum Aestivum L.)品种,因此不受近期小麦滋生的进展。参与式品种选择(PVS)试验是为了使农民验证,并包括新释放的小麦品种进入种子生产流,以加快农民优选的新型高产品种更换旧和过时小麦品种。这项研究涉及巴基斯坦粮食赤字区的小农农民,评估了推荐灌溉和八个雨量环境的十四个新品种。合作农民优先从PVS试验中获得10个品种,其中八个是来自国际玉米和小麦改善中心(CIMMYT)的种质,平均比当地支票更多5-17%。在SINDH和KHYBER PAKHTUCKHWA的PVS试验中使用的本地检查是旧的改进品种。报告了从当地检查的新品种的更大的收益优势来自雨量环境和旧当地检查的领域。 PVS研究表明,随着新的高产品种每只公顷的额外0.3-0.5吨谷物,每年额外的0.3-0.5吨谷物,可以确保小农的粮食安全。研究还透露,雨水地区的创新农民建议灌溉地区的小麦品种,以识别具有稳定性能的高产小麦品种。农民对小麦养殖研究制度的反馈是发展甚至更高的患者患有抗病患者的抗病患者,以提高粮食安全性。



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