首页> 外文期刊>Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience >Extended Statistical Downscaling Model Using Data Mining Methods for Modeling Hydrologic Time Series

Extended Statistical Downscaling Model Using Data Mining Methods for Modeling Hydrologic Time Series


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The main purpose of this paper was to develop a hydrologic prediction model based on the statistical downscaling model (SDSM) platform and data mining (DM) methods. The model is an extension data mining statistical downscaling model (EDMSDM) that was applied hydrological time series modeling. The six DM technologies, namely multiple linear regressions, ARESLab, k-nearest neighbor, M5PrimeLab, support vector machine (SVM), as well as GMDH (group method of data handling)-type polynomial neural networks constitute the mathematical kernel of EDMSDM. In the instance study of this paper, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) databases have been utilized for adjustment and test period. The daily records of fifteen rainfall stations distributed in Jiangxi Yifeng River basins in China are utilized to contrast the efficiency of EDMSDM with SDSM. Used data covered 10 years from 1992 to 2001 for daily rainfall. Contradistinction results between EDMSDM and SDSM in the fifteen rainfall stations demonstrates that EDMSDM can offer daily rainfall computations with closer standard deviation and skew values to the actual records for both adjustment and validation periods. Among the presented methods in EDMSDM, the outcomes of the instance study have indicated that ARESLab and M5PrimeLab have offered better performances both in modeling quantity and occurrence of rainfall. The results of this paper have indicated that EDMSDM can be a helpful tool for statistical downscaling of rainfall.
机译:本文的主要目的是基于统计缩小模型(SDSM)平台和数据挖掘(DM)方法开发水文预测模型。该模型是应用水文时间序列建模的扩展数据挖掘统计缩小模型(EDMSDM)。六个DM技术,即多元线性回归,areslab,k最近邻居,M5Primelab,支持向量机(SVM)以及GMDH(数据处理组的组方法) - 型多项式神经网络构成了EDMSDM的数学核心。在本文的实例研究中,已用于调整和测试期的环境预测(NCEP)和国家大气研究中心和国家大气研究中心。在中国江西逸峰河流域分布的十五个降雨站的日常记录用于与SDSM造成EDMSDM的效率。从1992年到2001年10年涵盖的二手数据进行日落。 FEDMSDM和SDSM在十五个降雨站中的对比结果表明,EDMSDM可以为每次降雨计算提供更接近的标准偏差和偏斜值,以及调整和验证期间的实际记录。在EDMSDM中的呈现方法中,实例研究的结果表明,Areslab和M5Primelab在建模数量和降雨的发生时提供了更好的性能。本文的结果表明EDMSDM可以是有用的降雨统计划分的有用工具。



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