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Sex and relationships on the street: how homeless men judge partner risk on Skid Row.


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Homeless men in the U.S. represent a large and growing population, and have elevated rates of HIV/AIDS and sexual risk behaviors, including unprotected sex with women. We conducted qualitative interviews (n = 30) with homeless men using shelters and meal lines in downtown Los Angeles (Skid Row) to better understand how such men view the risks of sexual encounters with female partners. Men living on Skid Row perceived multiple risks, including HIV and unwanted pregnancy as well as emotional trauma, loss of resources, exacerbation of drug addiction, and physical attack. Respondents described using visual and behavioral cues, social reputation, geographical location, feelings of trust, perceived relationship seriousness, and medically inaccurate "folk" beliefs to judge whether partners were risky and/or condom use was warranted. Medically inaccurate beliefs suggest the potential utility of evidence-based interventions to change such beliefs. We also consider implications for relationships on the street and housing interventions.
机译:在美国,无家可归的男人代表着庞大且不断增长的人口,其艾滋病毒/艾滋病和性危险行为(包括与妇女无保护的性行为)的发生率升高。我们对定居在洛杉矶市中心(避难所)的无家可归的男人进行了定性访谈(n = 30),以更好地了解这些男人如何看待与女性伴侣发生性行为的风险。居住在Skid Row的男人意识到多种风险,包括艾滋病毒和意外怀孕以及情感创伤,资源损失,吸毒成瘾加剧和人身攻击。受访者使用视觉和行为线索,社会声誉,地理位置,信任感,感知到的人际关系认真程度以及医学上不准确的“民间”信仰来描述,以判断伴侣是否有风险和/或使用安全套是必要的。医学上不准确的信念表明,基于证据的干预措施可能会改变这种信念。我们还考虑了对街头关系和住房干预的影响。



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