首页> 外文期刊>Journal of American college health: J of ACH >The association between physical fitness and physical activity among Chinese college students

The association between physical fitness and physical activity among Chinese college students


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Objective: The constant deterioration of the physical fitness of college students has been a popular topic in China, thus this research analyzes the potential health risk of inadequate physical activity among college students. Participants/methods: During the national student fitness test (NSFT) in 2012, 1500 students from Tsinghua University were recruited and asked to complete the international physical activity questionnaire. Finally, 1414 (94.3%) students completed the study. Results/conclusions: Compared with those students who actively participate in exercise, the risk of obesity in college students lacking exercise was 1.25 times higher. Likewise, the probability of failure in the grip strength test and the standing long jump was also higher, with increases of 2.39 fold and 1.39 fold, respectively. Moreover, the total score of physical fitness test was the same. Consequently, this study suggests that college students should exercise regularly to increase their physical fitness.
机译:目的:大学生身体健康的不断恶化一直是中国的热门话题,这项研究分析了大学生身体活动不足的潜在健康风险。 参与者/方法:2012年国家学生健身测试(NSFT),招募了来自清华大学的1500名学生,并要求完成国际体育活动问卷。 最后,1414(94.3%)学生完成了这项研究。 结果/结论:与积极参与运动的学生相比,缺乏运动的大学生肥胖风险比较高1.25倍。 同样地,握力试验失效的可能性和驻距延长的延长也较高,增加2.39倍,分别增加1.39倍。 此外,物理健身试验的总评分是相同的。 因此,本研究表明,大学生应定期锻炼以增加其体质。



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