首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Alzheimer's disease: JAD >Trends, Predictors, and Outcomes of Healthcare Resources Used in Patients Hospitalized with Alzheimer's Disease with at Least One Procedure: The Nationwide Inpatient Sample

Trends, Predictors, and Outcomes of Healthcare Resources Used in Patients Hospitalized with Alzheimer's Disease with at Least One Procedure: The Nationwide Inpatient Sample


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We assessed trends, predictors and outcomes of resource utilization in hospital inpatient discharges with a principal diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) with at least one procedure. Using Nationwide Inpatient Sample data (NIS, 2002-2012), discharges primarily diagnosed with AD, aged >= 60 y and with >= 1 procedure, were selected (Weighted N = 92,300). Hospital resource utilization were assessed using ICD-9-CM codes, while hospitalization outcomes included total charges (TC, 2012$), length of stay (LOS, days), and mortality risk (MR, %). Brain and respiratory/gastrointestinal procedure utilization both dropped annually by 3-7%, while cardiovascular procedures/evaluations, blood evaluations, blood transfusion, and resuscitation ("CVD/Blood") as well as neurophysiological and psychological evaluation and treatment ("Neuro") procedures increased by 5-8%. Total charges, length of stay, and mortality risk were all markedly higher with use of respiratory/gastrointestinal procedures as opposed to being reduced with use of "Brain" procedures. Procedure count was positively associated with all three hospitalization outcomes. In sum, patterns of hospital resources that were used among AD inpatients changed over-time, and were associated with hospitalization outcomes such as total charges, length of stay, and mortality risk.
机译:我们评估了医院住院病患者利用的趋势,预测和资源利用结果,其具有至少一种程序的Alzheimer疾病(AD)的主要诊断。选择使用NationWide Inpatient样本数据(NIS,2002-2012),选择主要被诊断为AD,年龄> = 60 y和> = 1程序的放电(加权n = 92,300)。使用ICD-9-CM代码评估医院资源利用率,而住院结果包括总费用(TC,2012 $),逗留时间(LOS,天)和死亡率风险(MR,%)。脑和呼吸/胃肠过程利用均每年跌落3-7%,而心血管程序/评估,血血病,输血和复苏(“CVD /血液”)以及神经生理和心理评估和治疗(“神经” )程序增加5-8%。使用呼吸/胃肠手术程序的使用情况,使用呼吸/胃肠手术的总收费,住宿时间和死亡率风险都显着较高。程序计数与所有三个住院结果正相关。总而言之,广告住院患者中使用的医院资源模式发生了一点,并且与住院结果,如总费用,住院时间和死亡率。



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