首页> 外文期刊>Journal of adolescence >Family ethnic socialization predicts better academic outcomes via proactive coping with discrimination and increased self-efficacy

Family ethnic socialization predicts better academic outcomes via proactive coping with discrimination and increased self-efficacy


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As the U.S. Latino youth population grows, understanding how family and individual resources may promote Latino adolescents' academic outcomes is important. The current investigation examined whether family ethnic socialization predicted adolescents' use of proactive strategies for coping with ethnic-racial discrimination and examined a potential pathway through which these contextual and individual resources may relate to educational outcomes. Drawing on data from a sample of Latino adolescents (n = 321; Mage = 15.31 years, SD = .76; 49.5% female), results of a cross-sectional structural equation model showed a double mediation of the relation between family ethnic socialization and GPA by proactive coping strategies and self-efficacy. Alternate models, limitations of the current investigation, and implications for future research are discussed.
机译:随着美国拉丁裔青年人口的增长,了解家庭和个人资源如何促进拉丁裔青少年的学术成果很重要。 目前的调查审查了家庭种族社会化预测青少年的使用积极主动策略,以应对民族种族歧视,并检查了这些上下文和个人资源可能与教育结果有关的潜在通路。 从拉丁裔青少年样本(n = 321;法师= 15.31岁,SD = .76; 49.5%的女性)绘制数据。横截面结构方程模型的结果表明,家庭族社会与家庭社会化关系的双重调解 通过主动应对策略和自我效能的GPA。 讨论了替代模型,当前调查的限制,以及对未来研究的影响。



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