首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >A flock of sheep, goats and cattle: ancient DNA analysis reveals complexities of historical parchment manufacture

A flock of sheep, goats and cattle: ancient DNA analysis reveals complexities of historical parchment manufacture


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Parchments comprise one of the most common and valuable sources of archaeological and historical data. Previous studies have shown that parchment also preserves genetic data. These data could be valuable for population studies, to understand past animal husbandry, the development of breeds and varieties and to comment on the provenance of parchments. To improve our understanding of DNA contained in parchments, we analysed genetic data, including both mitochondrial and autosomal loci, from 18th to 19th century English parchments which stable isotope analysis had indicated were well-preserved. DNA results were unexpected. All but one of the parchments produced multiple sequences matching several different species. Ion beam analysis ruled out surface treatments of the parchments (including ink and animal glues) as the origin of these multiple sequences. Our results suggest that the DNA content of parchment is more complex than previous research has suggested and that multiple stages of parchment manufacture, treatment and storage are preserved in parchment DNA extracts.
机译:母系包括考古和历史数据最常见和最有价值的来源之一。以前的研究表明,羊皮纸还保留了遗传数据。这些数据对于人口研究可能是有价值的,以了解过去的畜牧业,品种和品种的发展以及评论羊皮纸的出处。为了提高我们对羊膜中包含的DNA的理解,我们分析了遗传数据,包括线粒体和常染色体基因座,从18世纪到19世纪,稳定同位素分析表明的英语羊皮纸均得到保存。 DNA结果出乎意料。除了一个羊膜之外的所有阶段都会产生多种序列,匹配几种不同的物种。离子束分析排除了羊皮纸(包括墨水和动物胶水)作为这些多序列的起源的表面处理。我们的研究结果表明,羊皮纸的DNA含量比以前的研究更复杂,并且在羊皮纸DNA提取物中保存了多个羊皮纸制造,治疗和储存的阶段。



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