首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Exploring chronic arsenic poisoning in pre-Columbian Chilean mummies

Exploring chronic arsenic poisoning in pre-Columbian Chilean mummies


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This paper explores to what extent arsenic poisoning affected pre-Columbian northern Chile populations living between Arica and Iquique cities. We hypothesize, the pre-Columbian inhabitants of this region, will show arseniasis according to modern geographic endemic levels. Continuous exposure to high levels of arsenic causes serious health problems. Today, in the Camarones valley, where many Chinchorro people lived, arsenic levels are 100 times above the 10 mu g/L recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) we determined arsenic levels in a single strand of hair of 45 Arica mummies coming from ten sites (Morro 1, Morro 1/5, Yungay 372, Camarones 8, 9, 15D, and 17 and Azapa 140, Sermenia and Patillos), ranging from Chinchorro (ca. 5000-2000 years B.C.) to the Late Intermediate Period (1000-1400 years AD.). Each hair was cleaned using distilled ionized water and placed on double sided mounting tape and ablated using a 266 nm Nd-YAG UV laser. Hair samples were also investigated for potential diagenesis. Results indicate minimal diagenesis. Arsenic hair (AsH) concentrations in the mummies ranged from <0.8 to 262.2 μg/g. We noted AsH variability within burial sites as well as regional variation. The Morro mummies have the highest mean group value (58 ± 103.8 mg/g). Contrary to hypothetical expectations, some Arica Chinchorro mummies have high values, perhaps indicating inter site mobility related to exogamous marriage and mummification rites. Our study shows that ancient people of northern Chile were significantly affected by arsenic poisoning throughout generations. Finally, this study calls attention to naturally occurring eco-toxic contaminants and its impact on ancient Andean people.
机译:本文探讨了砷中毒在多大程度上影响了哥伦比亚北部智利居住在Arica和Iquique城市之间的人口。我们假设这一地区的哥伦比亚居民,将根据现代地理流行水平显示砷病。持续暴露于高水平的砷导致严重的健康问题。今天,在Camarones Valley,许多Chinchorro人们生活中,砷水平是世界卫生组织推荐的10亩(WHO)的100倍。使用激光烧蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(La-ICP-MS),我们确定了来自十个地点的45个Arica Mummies的一条头发中的砷水平(Morro 1,Morro 1/5,Yungay 372,Camarones 8,Camarones 8, 9,15D和17和AZAPA 140,Sermenia和Patillos),从Chinchorro(CA.5000-2000年BC)到后期中间期(1000-1400岁)。使用蒸馏电离水清洁每种毛发,并置于双面安装带上并使用266nm Nd-yAG UV激光烧蚀。还研究了头发样品以进行潜在的成岩作用。结果表明了最小的成岩作用。木乃伊中的砷毛发(灰分)浓度范围为<0.8至262.2μg/ g。我们注意到埋葬部位内的灰变异,以及区域变异。 Morro Mummies具有最高的平均群体值(58±103.8 mg / g)。与假设的预期相反,一些arica chinchorro木乃伊具有高价值,也许表明与婚姻和木乃伊仪式有关的地点移动性。我们的研究表明,智利北部的古代人民在各地的砷中毒受到显着影响。最后,这项研究称之为自然发生的生态毒性污染物及其对古代人民的影响。



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