首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied physiology >Acid-sensing ion channels blockade attenuates pressor and sympathetic responses to skeletal muscle metaboreflex activation in humans

Acid-sensing ion channels blockade attenuates pressor and sympathetic responses to skeletal muscle metaboreflex activation in humans


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In animals, the blockade of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs), cation pore-forming membrane proteins located in the free nerve endings of group IV afferent fibers, attenuates increases in arterial pressure (AP) and sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) during muscle contraction. Therefore. ASICs play a role in mediating the metabolic component (skeletal muscle metaboreflex) of the exercise pressor reflex in animal models. Here we tested the hypothesis that ASICs also play a role in evoking the skeletal muscle metaboreflex in humans, quantifying beat-by-beat mean AP (MAP; finger photoplethysmography) and muscle SNA (MSNA; microneurography) in 11 men at rest and during static handgrip exercise (SHG; 35% of the maximal voluntary contraction) and postexercise muscle ischemia (PEMI) before (B) and after (A) local venous infusion of either saline or amiloride (AM), an ASIC antagonist, via the Bier block technique. MAP (BAM +30 +/- 6 vs. AAM +25 +/- 7 mmHg, P = 0.001) and MSNA (BAM +14 +/- 9 vs. AAM +10 +/- 6 bursts/min. P = 0.004) responses to SIlG were attenuated under ASIC blockade. Amiloride also attenuated the PEMI-induced increases in MAP (BAM +25 +/- 6 vs. AAM +16 +/- 6 mmHg. P = 0.0001) and MSNA (BAM +16 +/- 9 vs. AAM +8 +/- 8 bursts/min, P = 0.0001). MAP and MSNA responses to SHG and PEMI were similar before and after saline infusion. We conclude that ASICs play a role in evoking pressor and sympathetic responses to SHG and the isolated activation of the skeletal muscle metaboreflex in humans.
机译:在动物中,酸感测离子通道(ASIC),位于IV族传入纤维的自由神经结束的酸感测离子通道(ASIC),衰减在肌肉中动脉压(AP)和交感神经活动(SNA)增加的增加收缩。所以。 Asics在介导动物模型中锻炼压力机反射的代谢组分(骨骼肌Metaboreflex)中的作用。在这里,我们测试了Asics在唤起人类的骨骼肌metaboreflex时也发挥作用的假设,量化逐拍的意味着AP(Map;手指光增性肉溶液)和肌肉SNA(MSNA;微术)在休息期间和静态期间Handgrip运动(SHG; 35%的最大自愿收缩)和在(b)之前的肌肉缺血(pemi)和(a)局部静脉输注盐水或amiloride(am),AsiC拮抗剂,通过Bier块技术。地图(BAM + 30 +/- 6对AAM + 25 +/- 7 mmHg,p = 0.001)和MSNA(BAM +14 +/- 9对AAM +10 +/- 6爆发/分钟。P = 0.004 )对Silg的反应在ASIC封锁下衰减。 Amiloride也衰减PEMI诱导的MAP(BAM + 25 +/- 6 Vs. AAM +16 +/- 6 mmHg。P = 0.0001)和MSNA(BAM +16 +/- 9 Vs. AAM +8 + / - 8突发/分钟,p = 0.0001)。在盐水输注之前和之后,地图和MSNA对SHG和PEMI的反应类似。我们得出结论,Asics在唤起压力和对SHG的同情和同情反应中发挥作用,并且在人类的骨骼肌骨骼射出骨折的分离活化。



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