首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Advanced Microscopy Research >Identification of Amorphous Silicon Dioxide Depositing on the Spark Plug as a Potential Danger to Automobiles

Identification of Amorphous Silicon Dioxide Depositing on the Spark Plug as a Potential Danger to Automobiles


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Silicon contamination of gasoline leads to silica deposits on vehicle components such as spark plugs, catalytic converters, and oxygen sensors. Silicon may come from recycled toluene, ethanol, antifoam agents, silicon oils, and antifoam agents (PDMS). Several incidents occurred in many countries including the United Kingdom, the United States and China, which caused thousands of automobile failures every time. In this study, the possible sources of silicon contaminants were illustrated, a series of method including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy microscope, Raman microscope and scanning electronic microscope (SEM)/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) were established to analyze the amorphous silicon dioxide deposits on the spark plugs accurately. The method would help the forensic scientists to find the real reasons of the automobile failures, trace the suspect, and fix these evidences.
机译:汽油的硅污染导致车辆组分上的二氧化硅沉积物,例如火花塞,催化转化器和氧气传感器。 硅可以来自再生甲苯,乙醇,消泡剂,硅油和消泡剂(PDMS)。 许多国家在包括英国,美国和中国在内的许多国家发生了若干事件,这些国家每次都造成数千人的汽车故障。 在本研究中,示出了硅污染物的可能源,建立了一系列方法,包括傅立叶变换红外光谱显微镜,拉曼显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)/能量分散X射线光谱(EDS)分析非晶硅 准确地在火花塞上沉积二氧化碳沉积物。 该方法有助于法医学科学家找到汽车失败,追踪嫌疑人,并解决这些证据的真正原因。



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