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China Moves First to Adopt IMO Low-Sulfur Shipping Rules


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Beijing is the first mover ahead of the global shipping sector’s switch to low-sulfur fuels on Jan. 1 2020. China has effectively launched its own experience-building phase (EBP) well before the implementation of new International Maritime Organization (IMO) rules slashing sulfur in bunker fuels. The IMO’s sulfur cap for bunkers is set to drop to 0.5% in 2020 from 3.5% currently, forcing sharply higher costs on the ship- ping industry with wide-ranging consequences for various other petroleum markets including jet fuel (JFI Oct.29’18). The US backed calls from flag states for a global EBP at the IMO meeting last October after warning an overnight ban on sulfur would cost the global economy $100 billion in 2020. Concrete EBP propos- als are due to be voted on at the next IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee meeting in May.
机译:北京是1911年1月1日全球航运部门转向低硫燃料的第一次举动。中国在实施新国际海运组织(IMO)规则削减之前,中国已经有效地推出了自己的经验建设阶段(EBP) 垃圾燃料中的硫磺。 IMO硫磺上限为2020年的4.5%,迫使船舶行业大幅提高了0.5%,为各种其他石油市场(JFI 29'18号JFI)为各种其他石油市场的巨大后果 )。 美国在去年10月的IMO会议上向全球EBP的呼叫呼叫在警告硫磺的过夜禁令将花费100020年的全球经济将花费1000亿美元。具体的EBP Propos-Als是由于下一个IMO海军陆战队员投票 5月份环境保护委员会会议。



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