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Forced off the farm? Farmers' labor allocation response to land requisition in China

机译:被迫离开农场? 农民劳动力分配对中国土地征用的回应

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Land requisition has been an important way for local Chinese governments to generate revenue and promote urbanization, but little is known how the land-losing farmers cope. This study investigates the impact of land requisition on farmers' off-farm labor participation. We provide evidence that rural-urban migration is one way that land-losing farmers now adapt to land requisition. Using data from the China Household Finance Survey, we first show that village characteristics, not household characteristics, are the key determining factors for how likely a household is to lose land. With a traditional difference-in-differences (DD) model and a DD model with individual fixed effects, we show that land loss due to government requisition has a significant migration effect in the total sample: it increases individual migration rates by 4.5-6.8 percentage points. Land requisition has no impact on local off-farm engagement. These findings are robust to using different samples, to correction for sample attrition, and to a falsification test. We also find that the migration effect is experienced in particular by younger and older farmers, by women, and by the better educated. From a policy perspective, the labor allocation response to land requisition identified in this paper suggests that providing job training and social protection to land-losing farmers, and facilitating their migration to cities, could help them to cope with the experience of land loss. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:土地征用是当地中国政府产生收入和促进城市化的重要途径,但很少有人众所周知,土地丢失的农民如何应对。本研究调查了土地征用对农民非农业劳动力参与的影响。我们提供了证据,即农村迁移是土地失去农民现在适应征地的一种方式。使用来自中国家庭财务调查的数据,我们首先表明村庄特征,而不是家庭特征,是家庭如何减少土地的关键决定因素。通过传统的差异(DD)模型和具有个体固定效果的DD模型,我们表明,由于政府征用导致的土地损失在总样本中具有显着的迁移效果:它将个别迁移率提高了4.5-6.8个百分比要点。土地征用对地方非农业活动没有影响。使用不同的样品,这些发现是强大的,以校正样本磨损,并伪造测试。我们还发现,迁移效应尤其由妇女,妇女和受过良好教育的年龄较大的农民体验。从政策角度来看,本文确定的土地征用的劳动力分配响应表明,向土地失去农民提供就业培训和社会保护,并促进他们对城市的迁移,可以帮助他们应对土地损失的经验。 (c)2020 elestvier有限公司保留所有权利。



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