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The role of enterprise social networking in the measurement and management of competences


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Performance management and measurement systems (PMMSs) are used by organizations to improve implementation of strategies and facilitate the decisionmaking processes. Information is gathered and analyzed within a holistic system to enable prediction and optimization of resource allocation, as well as to support and monitor other factors such as relationship management and learning and performance. New business considerations such as globalization have resulted in increased research into the design, implementation, and use of more innovative PMMSs to take into account the changes that these bring to the organization. One area of focus is on how PMMSs can assist in transforming employee competencies such as their knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) into firm-specific competencies, which will contribute to the success of the business. Recent literature has considered enterprise social networking (ESN) as a tool to facilitate this.
机译:组织使用绩效管理和测量系统(PMMS)来改善战略实施,并促进决策过程。 在整体系统内收集和分析信息,以实现资源分配的预测和优化,以及支持和监控关系管理和学习和性能等其他因素。 全球化等新的业务考虑因素导致对设计,实施和使用更具创新性PMMS的研究,以考虑到这些组织的变化。 一个焦点领域是PMMSS如何协助将员工能力转化为其知识,技能和能力(KSAS)转变为特定的能力,这将有助于业务的成功。 最近的文献已将企业社交网络(ESN)视为促进此工具。



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