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Agri-dogs: Using Canines for Earlier Detection of Laurel Wilt Disease Affecting Avocado Trees in South Florida


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The invasive redbay ambrosia beetle (Xyleborus glabratus) was first detected in Savannah, GA, in 2002. This tiny beetle and its symbiotic fungal partner (Raffaelea lauricola) have led to one of the most devastating new plant diseases in recent times affecting laurel trees (Lauraceae), laurel wilt. In Florida, this devastating disease has also affected the agriculturally important avocado (Persea americana), and once symptoms are visible (i.e., wilting leaves), it is too late to save the infected tree. However, prophylactic systemic treatment with propiconazole can protect the trees from the disease for approximate to 12 months. This study evaluated the novel approach of using scent-discriminating canines (Canis familiaris) trained on the volatiles of laurel wilt pathogen as a proactive management tool for grove owners. Canine deployments in groves resulted in the detection of 265 presymptomatic avocado trees during two trials. In trial 1, 155 presymptomatic trees were treated with propiconazole and, over the subsequent 14-month monitoring period, 97% remained asymptomatic. In trial 2, the canines detected 100 presymptomatic trees that were not subsequently treated and 22 progressed to wilt within 2-5 weeks, and the remaining trees were removed, thus halting the observation period at 6 weeks. The canines have proven to be an effective proactive management tool.
机译:2002年,首次在大草原中检测到侵袭性红白胺甲虫(Xyleborus Glabratus)。这个微小的甲虫及其共生的真菌合作伙伴(Raffaelea Lauroicola)导致了最近影响月桂树最疣的新植物疾病之一( Lauraceae),月桂树枯萎。在佛罗里达州,这种毁灭性疾病也影响了农业上重要的牛油果(Persea Americana),一旦症状是可见的(即,枯萎的叶子),拯救受感染的树太晚了。然而,预防性全身用丙酸的全身治疗可以保护树木从疾病中保护近12个月。该研究评估了使用香味鉴别犬(Canis Comparisis)的新方法培训了Laurel枯萎病原体的挥发物作为Grove所有者的主动管理工具。在树林中的犬部部署导致两次试验中的265个假设鳄梨树。在试验1中,155颗假设树木用丙酰唑治疗,并且在随后的14个月监测期内,97%仍无症状。在试验2中,犬物检测到100次未经治疗的假设树木,22例在2-5周内进入枯萎病,除去剩余的树木,从而在6周内停止观察期。犬歌已被证明是一个有效的主动管理工具。



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