首页> 外文期刊>AJR: American Journal of Roentgenology : Including Diagnostic Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Nuclear Medicine, Ultrasonography and Related Basic Sciences >The risk of cataract associated with repeated head and neck CT studies: A nationwide population-based study

The risk of cataract associated with repeated head and neck CT studies: A nationwide population-based study


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OBJECTIVE. Medical radiation-induced cataracts, especially those resulting from head and neck CT studies, are an issue of concern. The current study aimed to determine the risk of cataract associated with repeated radiation exposure from head and neck CT. MATERIALS AND METHODS. This study used information from a random sample of 2 million persons enrolled in the nationally representative Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database. Exposed cases consisted of patients with head and neck tumor 10- 50 years old who underwent at least one CT between 2000 and 2009. The nonexposed control group was composed of subjects who were never exposed to CT studies but who were matched by time of enrollment, age, sex, history of coronary artery disease, hypertension, and diabetes. RESULTS. There were 2776 patients in the exposed group and 27,761 matched subjects in the nonexposed group. The exposed group had higher overall incidence of cataracts (0.97% vs 0.72%; adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 1.76; 95% CI, 1.18-2.63). Further stratifying the number of CT studies in the exposed group into one or two, three or four, and five or more revealed that cataract incidence increased gradually with increasing frequency of CT studies (0.79%, 0.93%, and 1.45%, respectively) (p = 0.001, adjusted for trend). Radiation exposure due to repeated head and neck CT studies was independently associated with an increased risk of developing cataracts when the cumulative CT exposure frequency involved more than four studies (adjusted HR, 2.12; 95% CI, 1.09-4.14). CONCLUSION. Repeated exposure to head and neck CT is significantly associated with increased risk of cataract.
机译:目的。医用辐射诱发的白内障,尤其是头颈CT研究导致的白内障,是一个值得关注的问题。当前的研究旨在确定与头颈CT反复辐射暴露相关的白内障风险。材料和方法。本研究使用来自全国代表性的台湾国民健康保险研究数据库的200万人的随机样本中的信息。暴露病例包括2000年至2009年间接受过至少一次CT扫描的10至50岁头颈肿瘤患者。未暴露对照组由从未接受过CT研究但符合入组时间的受试者组成,年龄,性别,冠状动脉疾病史,高血压和糖尿病。结果。暴露组有2776名患者,未暴露组有27761名匹配的受试者。暴露组白内障的总发生率更高(0.97%比0.72%;调整后的危险比[HR]为1.76; 95%CI为1.18-2.63)。进一步将暴露组的CT研究数量分为一,二,三,四和五或更多个,发现白内障发生率随着CT研究频率的增加而逐渐增加(分别为0.79%,0.93%和1.45%)( p = 0.001(针对趋势进行了调整)。当累加的CT暴露频率涉及四项以上的研究时,重复的头颈CT研究导致的放射线暴露与白内障发生的风险增加独立相关(校正后的HR,2.12; 95%CI,1.09-4.14)。结论。反复暴露于头颈CT与白内障风险增加显着相关。



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