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The Ethical Dilemmas of Experimental Invasive Brain Technologies


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The prospective ethical examination by Gilbert and colleagues of the first-in-human (FIH) neurology trial of optogenetics (Gilbert, Harris, and Kapsa 2014) is important, in part because the design of such a trial would involve testing the limits of what is ethically acceptable in clinical research. The technology thatGilbert and colleagues describe appears to entail extraordinarily high levels of invasiveness and potential for irreversible harm in the brain. By themselves, however, invasiveness and potential for irreversible harm in the central nervous system (CNS) are features shared by other technologies that have been or are currently tested in FIH clinical trials, such as first-time transplantation of novel stem-cell products. Given that these trials involve high levels of uncertainty regarding safety and efficacy, as well as heavy burdens for the research subjects, they are difficult to design ethically. Some of these trials may have overridden principles of research ethics, even if it was surely not the deliberate intent of the sponsors and investigators to do so. For instance, the very first human transplantation of neural stem cells involved submitting very young and sick children, who had no chance of deriving significant clinical benefits from the study, to a series of burdensome procedures, including skull trephination at multiple sites and repeated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Hess, 2012; Martin and Robert, 2007). This study conflicted with the ethical principle set forth in the Declaration of Helsinki, which states that individuals who cannot consent should not participate in risky or burdensome research unless there is a prospect that they may derive some direct clinical benefits commensurate with the involved risks and burdens (World Medical Association [WMA] 2008). Neurology FIH studies of invasive technologies are scarce: nomore than a very few per year. However, their examination is crucial because in the end they pose the question of where we, as members of the general society and ultimate beneficiaries of these studies, should set the ethical boundaries that clinical research should not cross.
机译:Gilbert及其同事对光遗传学的首次人类(FIH)神经病学试验(Gilbert,Harris和Kapsa,2014年)进行的前瞻性伦理检查很重要,部分原因是,此类试验的设计将涉及测试限制因素。在临床研究中在伦理上是可以接受的。吉尔伯特(Gilbert)及其同事描述的这项技术似乎具有极高的侵袭性,并可能对大脑造成不可逆转的伤害。然而,就其本身而言,中枢神经系统(CNS)的侵袭性和潜在的不可逆转的损害是已在FIH临床试验中进行或正在测试的其他技术(例如首次移植新型干细胞产品)共享的功能。考虑到这些试验涉及安全性和有效性的高度不确定性,以及研究对象的沉重负担,因此很难从伦理上进行设计。尽管肯定不是发起人和研究者的故意意图,但其中一些试验可能已经凌驾于研究伦理的原则之上。例如,人类进行的神经干细胞的首次人类移植涉及将非常小的有病儿童(这些儿童没有机会从该研究中获得重大临床益处)接受一系列繁重的程序,包括在多个部位进行颅骨透化和反复磁共振成像(MRI)(Hess,2012; Martin和Robert,2007)。这项研究与《赫尔辛基宣言》中阐明的道德原则相冲突,该原则规定,不同意的个人不应参与有风险或负担重的研究,除非有可能获得与所涉及的风险和负担相称的直接临床益处的前景(世界医学协会[WMA] 2008)。侵入性技术的神经病学FIH研究很少:每年不多。但是,他们的检查至关重要,因为最终它们提出了一个问题,即作为普通社会的成员和这些研究的最终受益者,我们应该在哪里设定临床研究不应跨越的伦理界限。



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