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Just How Cognitive Is Emotion? The Continuing Importance of the Philosophy of Emotion in Enhancement Ethics


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In his study of nonmedical use of prescription stimulant medication for cognitive enhancement, Scott Vrecko seeks to provide an empirical account of "real-world, everyday" users' "actual experiences, practices, and meanings," which he claims is currently lacking within the available bioethics literature (2012, 5). Based on his analysis of qualitative data gathered from interviews with university student users, Vrecko argues that conceptualizing nonmedical stimulant use as cognitive enhancement, which he defines in terms of raw intellectual power, "may fail to adequately capture the perspectives and experiences of individuals who use stimulant drugs as study aids" (4). More specifically, he contends that use of the term "cognitive enhancement" fails to capture significant changes in nonmedical users' emotional states. I show that there are two main problems with Vrecko's analysis that weaken his specific contention, and propose a solution to these.
机译:在研究非处方药用于认知增强的非医学用途时,Scott Vrecko试图提供对“现实世界中每天”用户的“实际经验,做法和含义”的经验说明,他声称目前在该领域中尚缺乏这些经验。可获得的生物伦理文献(2012,5)。根据对大学生用户访谈中收集到的定性数据的分析,弗雷科认为,将非医学兴奋剂的使用概念化为认知增强,这是他根据原始智力所定义的,“可能无法充分捕捉使用过的个体的观点和经验。刺激性药物作为研究助剂”(4)。更具体地说,他认为使用术语“认知增强”无法捕捉到非医学使用者的情绪状态的重大变化。我表明,弗雷科的分析存在两个主要问题,这些问题削弱了他的具体论点,并提出了解决方案。



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