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Health system strengthening: prospects and threats for its sustainability on the global health policy agenda


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In 2013, Hafner and Shiffman applied Kingdon’s public policy process model to explain the emergence of global attention to health system strengthening (HSS). They questioned, however, HSS’s sustainability on the global health policy agenda, citing various concerns. Guided by the Grindle and Thomas interactive model of policy implementation, we advance and elaborate a proposition: a confluence of developments will contribute to maintaining HSS’s prominent place on the agenda until at least 2030. Those developments include (1) technical, managerial, financial, and political responses to unpredictable public health crises that imperil the routine functioning of health systems, such as the 2014–2015 Ebola virus disease (Ebola) epidemic in West Africa; (2) similar responses to non-crisis situations requiring fully engaged, robust health systems, such as the pursuit of the new Sustainable Development Goal for health (SDG3); and (3) increased availability of new knowledge about system change at macro, meso, and micro levels and its effects on people’s health and well-being. To gauge the accuracy of our proposition, we carried out a speculative assessment of credible threats to our premise by discussing all of the Hafner-Shiffman concerns. We conclude that (1) the components of our proposition and other forces that have the potential to promote continuing attention to HSS are of sufficient strength to counteract these concerns, and (2) prospective monitoring of HSS agenda status and further research on agenda sustainability can increase confidence in our threat assessment.
机译:2013年,赫夫纳和施谢人申请金登的公共政策流程模式,以解释全球关注卫生系统加强(HSS)的出现。然而,他们质疑HSS对全球卫生政策议程的可持续性,引用了各种问题。由磨削和托马斯互动模式指导政策实施,我们提出并详细说明了一个命题:发展的交汇将有助于在至少2030年之前维持HSS在议程上的突出位置。这些发展包括(1)技术,管理,财务,对不可预测的公共卫生危机的政治反应,这意味着卫生系统的常规运作,如2014-2015埃博拉病毒疾病(埃博拉病毒疾病(埃博拉)疫情; (2)与需要完全携带的稳健卫生系统的非危机情况的类似答复,例如追求健康的新可持续发展目标(SDG3); (3)在宏观,梅斯科和微观水平上增加了关于系统变化的新知识及其对人们健康和福祉的影响。为了衡量我们主张的准确性,我们通过讨论所有Hafner-Shiffman的担忧对我们的前提进行了投机性评估。我们得出结论(1)我们命题和其他有可能促进HSS的潜力的部件的组成部分是有足够的力量来抵消这些问题,并对HSS议程状况和进一步研究议程可持续性的预期监测增加对我们威胁评估的信心。



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