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Financial Incentives, Targeting, and Utilization of Child Health Services: Experimental Evidence from Zambia


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To address untreated infections in children, routine health checkups have increasingly been incentivized as part of conditional cash transfer programs targeted at the poor. We conducted a field experiment in Zambia to assess the elasticity of demand for checkups as well as the associated health benefits. We find that relatively small incentives induce substantial increases in uptake among non-farming households and households living farther away from clinics, but not among households in the top wealth quintile. These results suggest that small financial incentives may be an efficient way to target poor populations. However, given the weak socioeconomic gradient in infections observed, small incentives will miss a substantial fraction of exposed children. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:为了解决儿童未经处理的感染,常规健康检查越来越多地被激励,作为穷人的条件现金转移计划的一部分。 我们在赞比亚进行了一个现场实验,以评估核对的需求的弹性以及相关的健康益处。 我们发现相对较小的激励措施诱导,非农户和家庭远离诊所的非农户和家庭的摄取量增加,但不是顶级财富楣的家庭。 这些结果表明,小型财务激励可能是针对贫困人口的有效方式。 然而,鉴于观察到感染的社会经济渐变薄弱,小型激励措施将错过大部分暴露的儿童。 版权所有(c)2016 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd。



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