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Long-Term Effects of Famine on Chronic Diseases: Evidence from China's Great Leap Forward Famine


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We evaluate the long-term effects of famine on chronic diseases using China's Great Leap Forward Famine as a natural experiment. Using a unique health survey, we explore the heterogeneity of famine intensity across regions and find strong evidence supporting both the adverse effect and the selection effect. The two offsetting effects co-exist and their magnitudes vary in different age cohorts at the onset of famine. The selection effect is dominant among the prenatal/infant famine-exposed cohort, while the adverse effect appears dominant among the childhood/puberty famine-exposed cohort. The net famine effects are more salient in rural residents and non-migrants subsamples. Gender differences are also found, and are sensitive to smoking and drinking behaviors. Our conclusion is robust to various specifications. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:我们评估饥荒对使用中国伟大的飞跃前进饥荒作为自然实验的慢性病的长期影响。 使用独特的健康调查,我们探讨了各地区的饥荒强度的异质性,并找到了强有力的证据,支持不利影响和选择效果。 共存的两个偏移效果及其大小在饥荒的不同年龄群组中变化。 选择效果在产前/婴儿饥荒暴露的队列中占主导地位,而童年/青春期暴露的队列之间的不良反应似乎显得占主导地位。 净饥荒的效果在农村居民和非移民副页中更加突出。 还发现了性别差异,对吸烟和饮酒行为敏感。 我们的结论对各种规格具有强大。 版权所有(c)2016 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd。



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