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Timing of soil-active herbicide incorporation with sprinkler irrigation


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A question often asked by growers is how long can a soil-applied herbicide remain on the soil surface before it is incorporated into the soil, either mechanically or with overhead water, and still be effective? Some labels have, such as the Eptam herbicide label, have instructions on how soon a herbicide must be incorporated, but other soil-active herbicides do not. A field experiment was conducted at the University of Idaho Research and Extension Center near Kimberly, Idaho to determine how soon soil-active herbicides applied with glyphosate for weed control in sugar beet need to be incorporated with sprinkler irrigation before they lose their effectiveness. The experimental design was a 4 by 5 factorial randomized complete block with four replications. Five herbicides treatments, consisting of acetochlor, dimethenamid-P, EPTC, ethofumesate, s-metolachlor and glyphosate alone were applied 9, 6, 3, and 0 days before incorporation (DBI) with overhead sprinker irrigation. All of these herbicide treatments, except glyphosate alone, were applied in combination with glyphosate at the 4-leaf sugar beet growth stage. These applications were applied sequentially to glyphosate alone at 0.77 lb ae/A applied at the 2-leaf growth stage. Individual plots werefour rows by 30 ft. Soil type was a Portneuf silt loam (19% sand, 60% silt, and 21% clay) with a pH of 8.3, 1.3% organic matter, and CEC of 28.4-meq/100 g soil. 'Holly Hybrid SX1502RR' sugar beet was planted April 14, 2014, in 22-inch rows at a rate of 60,590 seed/A. Common lambsquarters (CHEAL), kochia (KCHSC), redroot pigweed (AMARE), hairy nightshade (SOLSA), common mallow (MALNE) and green foxtail (SETVI), were the major weed species present. Herbicides were applied broadcast with a CCh-pressurizedbicycle-wheel sprayer calibrated to deliver 15 GPA using 11001 flat fan nozzles. Additional environmental and application information is given in Table 1. Weed counts by species were taken on July 1 and 14; 14 and 28 days after the herbicide incorporation (DAHI). The two center rows of each plot were harvested mechanically on October 7.
机译:经常被种植者询问的问题是在机械或架空水中融入土壤中的土壤施用的除草剂在土壤表面上仍然需要多长时间,并且仍然有效?一些标签(例如EPTAM除草剂标签)有关于必须纳入除草剂的指示,但其他土壤活性除草剂没有。在爱达荷州的爱达荷大学研究和延伸中心大学进行了一个野外实验,以确定在甜菜中使用草甘膦对草甘膦进行的土壤活性除草剂在糖甜菜中进行了多久,需要与洒水灌溉一起融入洒水灌溉。实验设计是一个4乘5个因子随机完成块,具有四种复制。仅使用掺入(DBI)的乙酰氯,二甲基酰胺-P,EPTC,乙型戊酸酯,S-MetOlachlor和草甘膦组成的五种除草剂治疗,乙蛋白酶,乙酸酯,S-MetOlachlor和草甘膦,用架空喷洒灌溉。除草甘膦之外的所有这些除草剂治疗组合在4-叶甜菜生长阶段与草甘膦组合施用。将这些应用依次施用至单独的草甘膦,在2-叶生长阶段施加0.77磅AE / A.单个绘图均为排行30英尺。土壤类型是PORTNEUF淤泥壤土(19%砂,60%淤泥和21%粘土),pH为8.3,1.3%有机物质和28.4-meq / 100g土壤的CEC 。 '冬青杂交SX1502RR'甜菜甜菜于2014年4月14日,以22英寸行为22英寸,速度为60,590种种子/ a。普通的羊羔(Cheals),Kochia(Kchsc),Redroot Pigweed(Amare),毛茸茸的睡衣(Solsa),常见的锦葵(Malne)和绿色狐尾(Setvi)是主要的杂草物种。使用11001平扇喷嘴校准的CCH-Cloudizedbicy-Whain-Wailler校准的CCH加压平自行车车轮喷雾器进行使用除草剂。表1中给出了额外的环境和申请信息1. 7月1日和14日采取了物种的杂草计数;除草剂融合后14和28天(大河)。每种情节的两个中心行被机械地收获10月7日。



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