首页> 外文期刊>Alcoholism: Clinical and experimental research >From herbal roots to synthetic medicines: a historical perspective.

From herbal roots to synthetic medicines: a historical perspective.


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ALCOHOL IS ONE of our most ancient intoxicants. A recent anthropological study revealed that a fermented mixed beverage of rice, honey and fruit had existed during the Neolithic era. Written history documented the manufacturing of barley beer and other cereal beverages in Egypt and China as far back as 6000 and 4000 years, respectively (El-Guebaly and el-Guebaly, 1981; McGovem et al, 2004). History also attributed the downfall of empires and dynasties to excessive alcohol use by ruling courts more than 3000 years ago. Grecian scholars 2500 years ago issued warnings about the harm of acute and chronic inebriation arising from drinking too much wine too fast and too often. Plato even provided drinking guidelines: no use under age 18, use in moderation between 18 and 30, and no restriction for those older than 40.
机译:酒精是我们最古老的麻醉剂之一。最近的一项人类学研究表明,在新石器时代,存在一种发酵的米,蜂蜜和水果混合饮料。书面历史记载,埃及和中国的大麦啤酒和其他谷类饮料的生产分别可追溯到6000和4000年(El-Guebaly和el-Guebaly,1981; McGovem等,2004)。历史还把帝国和王朝的衰落归因于三千多年前的统治法庭过度使用酒精。 2500年前的希腊学者发出警告,警告说,由于喝得太多,喝得太快,喝得太多,经常喝得太多而引起的急性和慢性炎症的危害。柏拉图甚至提供了饮酒指南:18岁以下的人不要喝酒,18至30岁之间的人要适量使用,40岁以上的人没有限制。



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