首页> 外文期刊>AIDS patient care and STDs >Gender differences in HIV-related perceptions, sexual risk behaviors, and history of sexually transmitted diseases among Chinese migrants visiting public sexually transmitted disease clinics.

Gender differences in HIV-related perceptions, sexual risk behaviors, and history of sexually transmitted diseases among Chinese migrants visiting public sexually transmitted disease clinics.


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The goal of this study was to explore gender difference in HIV-related perceptions according to a social cognitive theory and sexual risk behaviors and to examine associations between mobility, sexual risk, and history of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among male and female migrants visiting STD clinics. A cross-sectional study among migrants visiting STD clinics in three large cities in China assessed HIV-related perceptions, sexual activity, condom use, and history of STDs was used. Among participants, 20% of women had ever sold sex and 33% of men had paid for sex. Women and men were similar in multiple partnerships in the last month (23% versus 22%), consistent condom use during last three sexual encounters (14% versus 15%), and a history of STDs (57% versus 53%). However, more women who reported a history of STDs had contracted at least two STDs than men (55% versus 36%, p < 0.001). Increased sexual risk was associated with increased perception of extrinsic rewards for both genders, but was associated with increased perceptions of intrinsic rewards and response cost in women only, and with decreased perceptions of vulnerability and response efficacy in men only. High mobility was associated with increased sexual risk in women. Self-reported history of STDs was associated with a high rate of past multiple partnership and low education among both genders, but was associated with high mobility and commercial sex in women only. Fifty-four percent of women with a history of STDs informed their partners about their infections, compared to 36% of men (p < 0.001). Married women, both women and men who did not engage in commercial sex, and women and men who used condoms were more likely to inform their partners about their STD infections. Gender differences in HIV-related perceptions and sexual behaviors underscore the importance of gender-specific intervention efforts to prevent the spread of HIV/STD in China.
机译:这项研究的目的是根据社会认知理论和性风险行为来探讨艾滋病相关观念中的性别差异,并考察来访的男性和女性移民中流动性,性风险和性传播疾病史(STD)之间的关联性病诊所。在中国三个大城市的性病诊所就诊的移民中进行了一项横断面研究,评估了与艾滋病相关的观念,性活动,使用安全套和性病史。在参与者中,有20%的女性曾经卖过性,而33%的男性有性交易。在上个月的多个伙伴关系中,男女相似(23%比22%),在最近三次性交中一致使用安全套(14%比15%),以及性病史(57%比53%)。但是,报告患有性病史的女性比男性患上至少两个性病的比例更高(55%对36%,p <0.001)。性风险增加与两性对外部奖励的认识增加有关,但与女性对内在奖励和反应成本的认识增加有关,而与男性对脆弱性和反应功效的认识减少有关。高机动性与女性性风险增加有关。自我报告的性传播疾病史与过去男女之间的多重伴侣关系较高和受教育程度低有关,但仅与女性的高流动性和商业性有关。有性病史的女性中有54%向其伴侣告知其感染情况,而男性为36%(p <0.001)。已婚妇女,不从事商业性行为的男女,以及使用安全套的男女,更可能将其性病感染情况告知其伴侣。艾滋病相关观念和性行为中的性别差异强调了针对性别的干预措施对防止艾滋病在中国传播的重要性。



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