首页> 外文期刊>AIDS care. >A novel tool to assess community norms and attitudes to multiple and concurrent sexual partnering in rural Zimbabwe: participatory attitudinal ranking.

A novel tool to assess community norms and attitudes to multiple and concurrent sexual partnering in rural Zimbabwe: participatory attitudinal ranking.


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Concurrent sexual partnerships are important in understanding the evolution and maintenance of the HIV heterosexual epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. While it is possible to measure individual attitudes around sensitive behaviours through questionnaire surveys, studies suggest that responses may be subject to social desirability bias and may not reflect community norms. This study used a novel tool to collect data on community norms relating to the acceptability of concurrency in rural Zimbabwe. Six questions exploring general concurrency concepts and 28 scenarios in which multiple-partnerships might occur were developed and translated into Shona. Participatory attitudinal ranking (PAR), an approach adapted from participatory wealth ranking, was used to conduct group discussions (n=24) with 170 participants recruited in a household survey. Participants discussed and ranked scenarios according to the acceptability of the multiple-partnering described in the short accounts. Data analysis followed grounded theory principles. Qualitative data were examined against quantitative survey data collected from a representative sample of 18-44-year olds. While discussants indicated that concurrency was common among both males and females, self-reports from survey participants indicated that 37.1% of males (n=717/1931; 95% CI: 35.0-39.3%) and only 7.3% of females (n=215/2948; 95% CI: 6.4-8.3%) were in concurrent relationships suggesting under-reporting of this behaviour, particularly by women. We found that concurrency is an accepted community norm for men but never for women. Concurrency is considered more acceptable in specific social contexts, including infertility and lack of a male heir. Having protected rather than unprotected sex with a concurrent partner does not render this behaviour more acceptable. Using PAR, we managed to gain a more nuanced understanding of socially sanctioned concurrency, knowledge that could prove useful for improving behaviour change interventions targeting this behaviour. PAR allowed us to rank attitudes in terms of acceptability, which would enable us to compare attitudes between communities and evaluate changes over time.
机译:同时的性伙伴关系对于理解撒哈拉以南非洲艾滋病毒异性流行的演变和维持至关重要。尽管可以通过问卷调查来衡量有关敏感行为的个人态度,但研究表明,回应可能会受到社会的期望偏差的影响,并且可能无法反映社区规范。这项研究使用了一种新颖的工具来收集有关津巴布韦农村地区并发可接受性的社区规范数据。提出了六个探索通用并发概念的问题,以及可能发生多伙伴关系的28个场景,并将其翻译为Shona。参与式态度排名(PAR)是一种采用参与式财富排名的方法,被用来进行小组讨论(n = 24),家庭调查中招募了170名参与者。参与者根据简短说明中描述的多方合作伙伴的可接受性来讨论场景并对其进行排序。数据分析遵循扎根的理论原理。根据从18-44岁的代表性样本中收集的定量调查数据,检查了定性数据。尽管讨论者表示并发在男性和女性中都很普遍,但调查参与者的自我报告显示,男性中37.1%(n = 717/1931; 95%CI:35.0-39.3%),而女性只有7.3%(n = 215/2948; 95%CI:6.4-8.3%)处于并发关系中,表明这种行为的报道不足,尤其是女性。我们发现并发是男性公认的社区准则,但对于女性却不是。并发在特定的社会环境中被认为更容易接受,包括不育症和没有男性继承人。与并发伴侣进行保护而不是不受保护的性行为不会使这种行为更容易接受。使用PAR,我们设法获得了对社会认可的并发的更细微的了解,这些知识可能被证明有助于改进针对该行为的行为改变干预措施。 PAR使我们能够按照可接受性对态度进行排名,这将使我们能够比较社区之间的态度并评估随时间的变化。



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