首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Cardiology >Coronary Heart Disease and the Ischemic Demise of a Beloved Fictional Hero: Hercule Poirot of Agatha Christie Fame

Coronary Heart Disease and the Ischemic Demise of a Beloved Fictional Hero: Hercule Poirot of Agatha Christie Fame


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The most likely cause of death of Hercule Poirot, the fictional Belgian detective created by Agatha Christie, was advanced coronary heart disease due to several cardiovascular risk factors. To investigate this hypothesis, the authors scrutinized all Agatha Christie books which included Poirot as their main character and examined his lifestyle and physical symptoms. Although the English writer was likely unaware of the now well-known links between Poirot's lifestyle and his exitus, considering the predominant therapeutic options for cardiovascular disease when the books were written and comparing them with Poirot's life, the authors were able to establish the severity and progression of his illness. Agatha Christie's novels also provide some unexpected information on knowledge regarding cardiovascular diseases in the twentieth century.
机译:由Agatha Christie创建的虚构比利时侦探的虚构比利时侦探是最可能的死亡原因,由于几种心血管危险因素,是先进的冠心病。 为了调查这一假设,作者审查了包括Poirot作为其主角的所有Agatha Christie书籍,并检查了他的生活方式和身体症状。 虽然英国作家可能没有意识到现在的Poirot生活方式和他的出口之间的现在众所周知的联系,但考虑到在书籍的书面疾病的主要治疗方案,当书籍被写入和与Poirot的生活中相比,作者能够建立严重程度和 他的病情进展。 Agatha Christie的小说还提供了一些关于二十世纪心血管疾病知识的意外信息。



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