首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of school health >The Influence of Active Gaming on Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Black and Hispanic Youth

The Influence of Active Gaming on Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Black and Hispanic Youth


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ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Youth in the United States have low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness, a risk factor for childhood obesity. Lower levels of physical fitness for black and Hispanic youth contribute to health disparities. In this feasibility study, we examined active video games (AVGs) as a tool to improve fitness and attitudes toward physical activity during early adolescence. METHOD A 6‐week AVG program took place in a youth development program in a high‐poverty neighborhood in New York City. Youth aged 10 to 15?years (50% overweight or obese) participated in 2 fitness tests and completed surveys that captured barriers to physical activity pre‐ and postintervention. Each week, participants played Wii Fit games for 30?minutes. RESULTS Participants improved the number of sit‐ups and step‐ups they completed from pre‐ to postintervention (p??.05). Participants also increased their self‐efficacy, intention to exercise and perceived social support to exercise (p??.05). Youth reported a high level of enjoyment and perceived Wii Fit as ways to increase physical fitness and increase their physical activity. CONCLUSION AVGs may be a viable alternative exercise program to increase physical activity for black and Hispanic youth living in poverty‐impacted neighborhoods.
机译:抽象背景青年在美国的心肺浓度水平低,儿童肥胖的危险因素。黑色和西班牙裔青年的较低的身体素质促成健康差异。在这种可行性研究中,我们将活跃的视频游戏(AVG)视为改善健身和态度在早期青春期期间对身体活动的工具。方法在纽约市的高贫困社区中发生了6周的AVG计划。 10至15岁的青年年龄(50%超重或肥胖)参加了2个健身测试,并完成了捕获的身体活动障碍的调查。每周,参与者扮演Wii Fit Games 30?分钟。结果参与者改善了他们完成的仰卧起坐和升级的数量(P?& 05)。与会者还增加了自我效能,有意锻炼和感知到运动的社会支持(P?& 05)。青年报告称,享受高度享受,并感知Wii适合增加体质健康并增加其体力活动的方法。结论AVG可能是一个可行的替代运动计划,以提高生活在贫困社区的黑人和西班牙裔青年的身体活动。



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