首页> 外文期刊>AIDS care. >Counsellors' perspectives on the experience of providing HIV counselling in Kenya and Tanzania: the Voluntary HIV-1 Counselling and Testing Efficacy Study.

Counsellors' perspectives on the experience of providing HIV counselling in Kenya and Tanzania: the Voluntary HIV-1 Counselling and Testing Efficacy Study.


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Demand for HIV counselling services is increasing in developing counties, but there have been few previous studies that describe counsellors' roles and experiences providing HIV-related counselling in developing countries. Such information can be used to better supervise and support counsellors and thereby improve counselling services. As a sub-study of the Voluntary Counseling and Testing Efficacy Study, we conducted focus groups and individual interviews with 11 counsellors and counselling supervisors providing HIV counselling services in Kenya and Tanzania. Counsellors told us that their jobs were both rewarding and stressful. In addition to their obligations in the counselling relationship (providing information, protecting confidentiality and being non-judgemental), they perceived pressure to provide information and be good role models in their communities. Additional stresses were related to external (economic and political) conditions, 'spillover' of HIV issues from their personal lives and providing counselling in a research setting. Counsellor stress might be reduced and their effectiveness and retention improved by (1) allowing work flexibility; (2) providing supportive, non-evaluative supervision; (3) offering alternatives to client behaviour change as the indication of counsellor performance; (4) acknowledging and educating about 'emotional labour' in counselling; (5) providing frequent information updates and intensive training; and (6) encouraging counsellor participation in the development of research protocols.
机译:在发展中国家,对艾滋病毒咨询服务的需求正在增长,但是以前很少有研究描述了顾问在发展中国家提供艾滋病毒相关咨询服务的角色和经验。这些信息可以用来更好地监督和支持辅导员,从而改善辅导服务。作为“自愿咨询和检测功效研究”的子研究,我们在肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚与11位提供艾滋病毒咨询服务的咨询师和咨询主管进行了焦点小组讨论和个人访谈。辅导员告诉我们,他们的工作既有意义又压力很大。除了在咨询关系中的义务(提供信息,保护机密性和不作判断性)外,他们还感到有提供信息的压力,并在社区中成为榜样。额外的压力与外部(经济和政治)状况,个人生活中艾滋病毒问题的“溢出”以及在研究环境中提供咨询有关。辅导员的压力可以减少,并且其有效性和保持力可以通过以下方式得到改善:(1)允许工作灵活; (2)提供支持性,非评估性的监督; (3)提供改变客户行为的替代方案,以指示辅导员的表现; (4)承认和教育辅导中的“情感劳动”; (5)提供频繁的信息更新和强化培训; (6)鼓励辅导员参与研究方案的制定。



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