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Advanced maternal age and perinatal outcome in twin pregnancies: a meta-analysis


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Objective:The current meta-analysis evaluates the perinatal outcomes of twin pregnancies in pregnant women 35 years or older (advanced maternal age) compared with less than 35 years at the time of delivery. Study design:A search was conducted up to March 2018. Electronic databases that were used in our research included; Embase (NO Medline), Ovid Medline, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Web of Science. Inclusion criteria were twin pregnancies; a comparison between pregnant women aged >= 35 years versus <35 years at the time of delivery and reported perinatal outcomes. Review articles, case reports, and case series were excluded. Data analysis was performed using the Cochrane's Review Manager 5.3 software. Pooled odds ratio for dichotomous outcomes or mean difference for continuous outcomes were calculated using a random effects model.I(2)test was performed to assess heterogeneity. The quality of each accepted article was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Results:Our search yielded 1622 publications, of which 25 were assessed for eligibility. A total of 13 studies met our final inclusion criteria. In twin pregnancies, advanced maternal age was associated with a lower incidence of preterm birth prior to 37 weeks' gestation (OR 0.89 [95% CI 0.83-0.95]) compared with women under 35 years at the time of delivery. Gestational diabetes (OR 1.57 [95% CI 1.24-1.98]) and cesarean deliveries (OR 1.69 [95% CI 1.52-1.87]) were significantly higher among women in the advanced maternal age group. All other measured outcomes, such as preterm delivery before 32 weeks' gestation, hypertension disorders, small for gestational age, birth weight under 2500 or 1500 g, need for neonatal intensive care admission and perinatal death were comparable between the groups. Conclusions:This meta-analysis implies that advanced maternal age mothers in the setting of twin pregnancy is associated with comparable outcomes to nonadvanced maternal age mothers. The only outstanding differences were higher rates of GDM and cesarean deliveries in the advanced maternal age (AMA) group.
机译:目的:目前的荟萃分析评估了35岁或以上的孕妇的双胞胎妊娠(先进的孕产妇年龄),而在交货时不到35年。研究设计:搜索到2018年3月。我们的研究中使用的电子数据库包括在内; Embase(没有Medline),Ovid Medline,Cochrane中央寄存器的受控试验和科学网络。纳入标准是双胞胎怀孕;孕妇= 35岁的孕妇与<35年交付时的比较,报告围产期结果。审查文章,案例报告和案例系列被排除在外。使用Cochrane的Review Manager 5.3软件进行数据分析。使用随机效应模型计算二分法结果或连续结果的平均差异的汇集的差距。进行测试以评估异质性。使用纽卡斯尔 - 渥太华规模评估每篇已接受物品的质量。结果:我们的搜索产生了1622个出版物,其中25分评有资格。共有13项研究达到了我们的最终纳入标准。在双胞胎怀孕中,先进的母亲年龄与在37周之前的早产儿发病率较低(或0.89 [95%[95%[95%[95%CI 0.83-0.95])相关。先进产妇年龄组的妇女在孕术糖尿病(或1.57 [95%[95%[95%[95%CI 1.24-1.98])和剖腹产,妇女在妇女中显着高得多。所有其他测量结果,如早产递送,如32周的妊娠,高血压障碍,胎龄小,2500岁以下的出生体重,需要对新生儿重症监护感应和围产期死亡相当。结论:这种荟萃分析意味着在双胞胎妊娠的环境中的先进产妇年龄母亲与非开放母亲年龄母亲的可比结果有关。唯一出色的差异是先进产妇年龄(AMA)集团的GDM和剖宫产的较高率。



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