首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Analytical Psychology >'Clemency on the way to the gallows': death, dreams and dissociation

'Clemency on the way to the gallows': death, dreams and dissociation


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The survivor of a decade of childhood sexual trauma and violence, perpetrated by a monstrous father, produced a series of dreams in the final year of a ten-year analysis. They illuminated the 'death drive' beneath a lifelong preoccupation with dying and fantasies of submission to death, perpetuated by the promise of hopedfor freedom from pain and release from a life of suffering. The initial dream involved the collapse of a team of white horses drawing him in a pillory cart to his own hanging for a crime he did not commit. It signified the collapse of a fragile psychological system based on his role as the 'sacrificial lamb,' protecting a (not so) innocent mother. The raw truth was now unconcealed: primal, violent, and terrifying dreams and affects emerged where he was now the murderous aggressor. His dreams would become primary agents for an instinctive, life-giving authenticity to emerge, offering him clemency from the shattering repetitions of persecution and dissociation.
机译:由巨大的父亲犯下的儿童时期的性创伤和暴力的十年幸存者,在一个十年分析的最后一年产生了一系列梦想。 他们照亮了终身攻击下的“死亡驾驶”,与死亡的死亡和幻想,通过希望自由免受痛苦和痛苦的寿命释放的承诺。 最初的梦想涉及一群白马的崩溃,将他画在一个枪手的推车中,他自己挂在他自己的罪行中他没有承诺。 它根据他作为“牺牲羔羊”的角色表示脆弱的心理系统的崩溃,保护了(不是那么)无辜的母亲。 原始事实现在不应突出:原始,暴力和可怕的梦想,并影响他现在是杀气侵略者的地方。 他的梦想将成为本能,生命的真实性的主要代理商,以出现,从遭受迫害和解剖的破碎重复,为他提供了诡计。



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