首页> 外文期刊>Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research >An Algorithm for Generation of Branch Matrices of a Reliability Logic Diagram in Series-Parallel Configuration

An Algorithm for Generation of Branch Matrices of a Reliability Logic Diagram in Series-Parallel Configuration


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In this paper, we propose an algorithm for the generation of branch matrices of a Reliability Logic Diagram (RLD) in series-parallel configuration.. Nodes and Elements of the RLD are expressed "in terms of decimal weights of the nodes. The incidence matrix [I] of the RLD is expressed first in decimal form and are then arranged in descending order for subsequent computations. For the number of nodes N. the fundamental paths (FP) of cardinalities (C) from 1 through (N-l) are generated and stored. The repeated and non-repeated elements are identified and arc stored in different array vectors with proper indexing. The non-repeated elements are compared one by one with the elements of the FPs of cardinalities 1 through (N-1), and whenever some elements are found to match with those of an FP. they are indexed against the particular path and cardinality and are eliminated from the array vector of the non-repeated elements. The elements thus found are marked, indexed and stored. The elements left- behind and not forming an FP are slso indexed and stored. In the subsequent steps, the repeated and the left-behind elements are added to their appropriate FPs using rules stated in the paper. Based on the algorithm, a Computer Cock has been developed which generates and enumerates branch matrices of RLDs in series-parallel configuration.



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