首页> 外文期刊>The Indian mining & engineering journal >Procedure for Appraisal of Minor Mineral Mining Projects for Grant of Prior Environmental Clearance

Procedure for Appraisal of Minor Mineral Mining Projects for Grant of Prior Environmental Clearance


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Mining industry is a primary Industry. It provides the basic raw material for other industries, for infrastructure development and for construction industry. India is endowed with large resources of minerals which include 4 fuels, 10 metallic, 47 non-metallic, 3 atomic and 23 minor minerals. A considerable part of mining activities in India comprises of small-scale mining of minor minerals.Mining of minor mineral is mostly in unorganised sector and is carried out in unscientifically and unsystematically mannercausing damage to the environment Unlike mining of major minerals, which are carried out under strict regulatory frame work, mining of minor minerals were governed by very lenient laws till yesterday Before enforcement of EIA notification 2006, mines of minor minerals were exempted to obtain prior environmental clearance. On realizing the potential of minor mineral mines to adversely affect the different components of environment, mines of minor mineral having lease area of more than 5 ha were brought under the ambit of Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006.After a historic judgment of Honorable Supreme Court dated 27.2.2014 Deepak kumarVs state of Haryana, all the mines of minor minerals irrespective of their lease area were also brought under the purview of EIA Notification 2006. The paper describes the various norms, guidelines issued by Ministry of Environment and Forest to appraise the mining projects of minor mineral for grant of prior Environmental Clearance.
机译:采矿业是一个主要的行业。它为其他行业提供基本原料,用于基础设施开发和建筑行业。印度赋予了大量的矿物资源,包括4个燃料,10个金属,47个非金属,3个原子和23名少量矿物质。印度的大部分采矿活动包括小型矿物质的小型矿物质。少数矿物质的灵宁主要是未经组织的部门,并以不核心和无系统地造成对环境的损害,与主要矿物挖掘出来根据严格的监管框架工作,少数矿物院采矿受到非常宽容的法律,直到昨日在执行EIA通知2006年之前,少量矿物院豁免了以获得现有环境清关。在实现少数矿物矿山的潜力对环境的不同组成部分产生不利影响的环境中,在环境影响评估通知的范围内提出了超过5公顷的少数5公顷的少数矿物的矿山。在荣誉最高法院的历史判决中提出27.2.2014 Deepak Kumarvs Haryana州,所有少数矿物的矿山,无论他们的租赁区都是在EIA通知2006年的范围内提出的。本文介绍了环境和森林部颁发的各种规范,向采矿评估少数矿物项目,以授予现有环境清关。



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