首页> 外文期刊>The European journal of health economics: HEPAC : health economics in prevention and care >Cost-consequence analysis of fluticasone furoate/vilanterol for asthma management in Spain: an analysis based on the Salford Lung Study in asthma

Cost-consequence analysis of fluticasone furoate/vilanterol for asthma management in Spain: an analysis based on the Salford Lung Study in asthma


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Objectives The Salford Lung Study in asthma (SLS asthma) is a 12-month, open-label randomised clinical trial comparing clinical effectiveness of initiating once-daily inhaled combination of fluticasone furoate/vilanterol (FF/VI) 184/22 mcg or 92/22 mcg, with continuing optimized usual care (UC) with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) alone, or in combination with a long-acting beta 2-agonist (ICS/LABA), in asthmatic patients followed in primary care in the UK. The objective of the analysis is to estimate the economic impact of these results when applied in Spain. Methods A 1-year cost-consequence model was populated with SLS asthma, adopting the Spanish National Health System (NHS) perspective. 775,900 of diagnosed asthmatic patients >= 18 years old currently managed with UC in Spain were included in the analysis. Effectiveness data included the percentage of patients per Asthma Control Test (ACT) category at 24 and 52 weeks from SLS asthma. Direct costs (pharmacological and per ACT category) were estimated from Spanish public sources and literature (euro, 2018). Base case analysis assumed an increased use of FF/VI from 10 to 20% within 1 year. One-way sensitivity analyses were performed. Results Within the 775,900 asthmatic patients analysed, substitution of UC with FF/VI was associated with reduced costs due to ACT improvement, leading to potential total annual savings of euro4,927,672. Sensitivity analyses ranged from euro6,012,975 to euro14,783,015 cost savings associated with FF/VI. An analysis considering patients only on ICS/LABA showed potential cost savings of euro8,207,448. Conclusions The improved asthma control for FF/VI compared with UC observed in SLS asthma could be translated into potential savings for the Spanish NHS. These results may be useful for decision makers.
机译:目标索尔福德肺部研究哮喘(SLS哮喘)是一个12个月的开放式随机临床试验,比较临床有效性,开始发起一次每日吸入的氟替酸碱/类化合物(FF / VI)184/22 MCG或92 / 22 mcg,持续优化的常规护理(UC)单独吸入皮质类固醇(IC),或与长效β2-激动剂(ICS / Laba)组合,在哮喘患者中,在英国初级保健。分析的目的是在西班牙申请时估计这些结果对这些结果的经济影响。方法采用SLS哮喘,采用西班牙国家卫生系统(NHS)观点,填充了1年的成本后果模型。 775,900名诊断的哮喘患者> = 18岁目前在西班牙管理的UC管理的分析中。有效性数据包括从SLS哮喘24和52周的每只哮喘控制测试(ACT)类别的患者的百分比。西班牙公共来源和文学(2018年欧元)估计了直接成本(药理和每个法案类别)。基本情况分析假设在1年内增加了FF / VI的使用从10%到20%。进行单向敏感性分析。结果在775,900,900名哮喘患者内分析,UC的替代与FF / VI有关,由于行为改善,降低成本,导致潜在的年度储蓄欧元4,927,672欧元。敏感性分析范围从欧元6,012,975欧元兑换与FF / vi相关的成本节约。仅考虑ICS / Laba患者的分析显示潜在的成本节约为8,207,448欧元。结论与SLS哮喘中观察到的UC相比,FF / VI的改善的哮喘控制可以转化为西班牙NHS的潜在节约。这些结果可能对决策者有用。



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