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Mediastinal Pancreatic Pseudocyst: A Rare Cause of New Onset Dysphagia


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A pancreatic pseudocyst is a collection of pancreatic secretions encased in a fibrous tissue layer, without a true lining of epithelium. They form because of either stenosis or disruption of the pancreatic duct and are seen after both acute and chronic pancreatitis (incidence 6-18.5 vs 20-40%, respectively). Although most are found near the pancreas, they can invade adjacent organs or even extend above the diaphragm. Mediastinal pseudocysts are a rare complication of pancreatitis. We present a patient with a history of gallstone pancreatitis who presented to the hospital with complaints of worsening abdominal pain, chest pain and pressure, and new onset dysphagia who was found to have a pancreatic pseudocyst with mediastinal extension. A 36-year-old white woman with a history of multiple sclerosis and alcoholic cirrhosis presented to the emergency room with complaints of gradually worsening abdominal pain with associated chest pain and pressure, and a two-day history of dysphagia to solid foods. She had been admitted the month prior for gallstone pancreatitis, but had not yet had a chole-cystectomy given her underlying cirrhosis and concern for hepatic decompensation after surgery.
机译:胰腺伪变性是在纤维组织层中包装的胰腺分泌物的集合,而没有真正的上皮的真正衬里。它们由于胰管导管的狭窄或破坏而形成,并且在急性和慢性胰腺炎后(分别发生6-18.5 vs 20-40%)。虽然大多数是在胰腺附近找到的,但它们可以侵入相邻的器官或甚至在隔膜上方延伸。纵隔伪细胞是胰腺炎的罕见并发症。我们患有胆石胰腺炎历史的患者,患有腹痛,胸痛和压力的投诉,以及被发现具有纵隔延伸的胰腺假囊肿的新发病吞咽困难。一名36岁的白人女性,具有多发性硬化和酒精性肝硬化的历史,呈现给急诊室,腹部疼痛和压力逐渐恶化,吞咽困难的两天历史悠久。她在胆石胰腺炎之前的月份被录取,但尚未鉴于手术后患者患有肝硬化的窒息术和伴随肝脏失代偿。



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