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The realm of the galaxy protoclusters A review

机译:Galaxy Protoclusters的境界审查



The study of galaxy protoclusters is beginning to fill in unknown details of the important phase of the assembly of clusters and cluster galaxies. This review describes the current status of this field and highlights promising recent findings related to galaxy formation in the densest regions of the early universe. We discuss the main search techniques and the characteristic properties of protoclusters in observations and simulations, and show that protoclusters will have present-day masses similar to galaxy clusters when fully collapsed. We discuss the physical properties of galaxies in protoclusters, including (proto-) brightest cluster galaxies, and the forming red sequence. We highlight the fact that the most massive halos at high redshift are found in protoclusters, making these objects uniquely suited for testing important recent models of galaxy formation. We show that galaxies in protoclusters should be among the first galaxies at high redshift making the transition from a gas cooling regime dominated by cold streams to a regime dominated by hot intracluster gas, which could be tested observationally. We also discuss the possible connections between protoclusters and radio galaxies, quasars, and Ly alpha blobs. Because of their early formation, large spatial sizes and high total star-formation rates, protoclusters have also likely played a crucial role during the epoch of reionization, which can be tested with future experiments that will map the neutral and ionized cosmic web. Lastly, we review a number of promising observational projects that are expected to make significant impact in this growing, exciting field.
机译:Galaxy Protoclusters的研究开始填补群集和簇星系组合的重要阶段的未知细节。该审查描述了该领域的当前状态,并突出了与早期宇宙的密度区域中的星系形成相关的最近发现。我们讨论了对观测和模拟中Protoclusters的主要搜索技术和特征性质,并表明当完全折叠时,Protoclusters将具有类似于星系簇的当前肿块。我们讨论了ProtocluSters中星系的物理性质,包括(Proto-)最亮的簇星系,以及形成红色序列。我们强调了高射频中最庞大的光环在Protoclusters中发现,使这些物体具有独特地测试重要的最近的Galaxy形成模型。我们展示了Protoclusters中的星系应该是高射频的第一个星系之一,使得从由冷流导的气体冷却状态过渡到由冷流量为主的制度,该制度可以是可观察到的热插入气体的制度。我们还讨论了Protoclusters和无线电星系,Quasars和Ly Alpha Blob之间的可能连接。由于他们的早期形成,大量空间尺寸和高总恒星形成率,Protoclusters也可能在标准的时期期间发挥至关重要的作用,这可以通过将来的未来实验进行测试,该实验将映射中性和电离的宇宙网。最后,我们审查了许多有希望的观察项目,这些项目预计将对这一增长,令人兴奋的领域产生重大影响。



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