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Adopting a helicopter-perspective towards motivating and demotivating coaching: A circumplex approach


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Based on Self-Determination Theory, the present study adopts a helicopter-perspective towards motivating (i.e., autonomy support, structure) and demotivating coaching (i.e., control, chaos). Among five independent samples, consisting of individual and team sport coaches (N = 893; Mage = 37.83 years) and athletes (N = 377; Mage = 17.46 years), Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) analyses were used to examine how a variety of coaching practices reflective of four different coaching styles (i.e., autonomy support, control, structure, and chaos), assessed with a new vignette-based instrument, related to one another. Findings revealed that the (de)motivating practices could be graphically presented within a two-dimensional circumplex, with the horizontal axis representing the level of need-supportive coaching behavior and the vertical axis representing the level of coach directiveness. Moreover, the four coaching styles could be segmented in eight more specific approaches (i.e. clarifying, guiding, attuning, participative, awaiting, abandoning, domineering, and demanding), which formed an ordered sinusoid pattern of correlations, both among each other and in relation to a variety of critical outcomes (e.g. coach need satisfaction, athletes' motivation). It is discussed how a circumplex approach produces both a more integrative and more fine-grained insight regarding (de)motivating coaching behavior, with resulting implications for practice.
机译:基于自我确定理论,本研究采用直升机透视(即,自主支援,结构)和消失的指导(即,控制,混乱)。在五个独立的样本中,由个人和团队体育教练组成(n = 893;法师= 37.83岁)和运动员(n = 377;法师= 17.46岁),使用多维缩放(MDS)分析来检查如何辅导反映了四种不同的教练风格(即自主支持,控制,结构和混沌),以彼此相关的新的小插图仪器评估。结果表明,(DE)激励实践可以在二维环绕中以图形方式呈现,水平轴表示需要支撑辅导行为的水平和表示教练方向性水平的垂直轴。此外,这四种教练风格可以以八种更具体的方法进行分割(即澄清,指导,调整,等待,等待,放弃,霸气和苛刻,求解,互相相关的相关正弦状模式,彼此之间和相关对于各种关键结果(例如教练需要满足,运动员的动机)。讨论了环路方法如何产生更加一体化和更细粒度的洞察力,有关(de)激励教练行为,导致练习的影响。



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