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Do children and adolescents have a future-oriented bias? A developmental study of spontaneous and cued past and future thinking

机译:儿童和青少年有一个面向未来的偏见吗? 自发性和过去和未来思维的发展研究

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Previous research has indicated that adults have a future-oriented cognitive bias, one illustration of which is their tendency to report more thoughts about the future than the past during mind-wandering. We examined whether children showed a similar bias, and whether there were any developmental changes in the magnitude of such a bias. Children aged 6-7 and 9-10 years, adolescents, and adults completed two tasks in which they could report either past or future thoughts: a mind-wandering task assessing spontaneous past and future thinking and a cued episodic thinking task in which they were free to describe either past or future events. Only adults showed a future-oriented bias in the mind-wandering task. Participants in all groups were much more likely to describe past events in the cue word task, and the proportion of future events described did not change developmentally. However, more than a third of the youngest age group produced no descriptions at all of future events, which was a significantly larger proportion than in any other age groups, and illustrates the difficulty that some children of this age have with future thinking. Our findings indicate that future-oriented bias and developmental changes in such bias may be task-specific.
机译:以前的研究表明,成年人有一个面向未来的认知偏见,其中一个插图是他们报告更多关于未来的想法而不是过去的思想。我们检查了儿童是否显示出类似的偏见,以及这种偏差的大小是否存在任何发育变化。 6-7和9-10岁的儿童,青少年和成年人完成了两项任务,他们可以报告过去或未来的思想:评估自发的过去和未来思维的思想徘徊的任务以及他们所在的思维思维任务免费描述过去或未来的事件。只有成年人才能在徘徊的任务中展示了未来导向的偏见。所有群体的参与者更有可能在提示Word任务中描述过去的事件,所描述的未来事件的比例没有发展。然而,超过三分之一的年龄组在未来的所有事件中没有制作任何描述,这比任何其他年龄群体中的比例显着更大,并说明了这个年龄的一些孩子的难度随着未来的思考。我们的调查结果表明,面向未来的偏差和这种偏差的发育变化可能是特定于任务的。



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